Did he later become an ambassador to Paraguay?
Did he later become an ambassador to Paraguay?
It can be three things.
I hear its people are all white with pink eyes.
Micronesia is actually 607 small islands in the South Pacific. Interestingly, while its total land mass is only 270 square miles, it occupies more than a million square miles of the Pacific Ocean. Its U.S. Embassy is located in the state of Pohnpei and not, as many people believe, on the island of Yap.
Obama won't say shocking things about Trump. Trump's apparently seeking him out for advice, and Obama cares too much about the future of the country to blow that opportunity.
Klepper seemed like a star in the making from day one.
I hope his character wears two belts for unexplained reasons.
I hope not. He might not know how to do it. His fights very rarely last long enough for a horn to sound.
(Joanne de Arc)
But maybe I wouldn't, and then I wouldn't have Cheetos either!
..it's probably more orange dust than cotton at this point, so yes?
It's not fair that a guy who was already a decent major league pitcher gets to have a second career as a hotshot film director, while I'm stuck here eating Cheetos.
And then every schoolkid in the world belts out "Reign, Reign, Go Away"!
Yeah, I mean this article actually makes it sound like WWE isn't an expert at fucking its employees over by pretending they aren't employees, and like these same loopholes aren't about to be exploited further or more likely widened.
I got the sense she actually fell under the spell of the Darkhold, as opposed to this being inevitable because she's an AI.
I'm starting to get tired of plots/scenes/cold opens that hinge on 'Holt is secretly one of them!'
I got a 'The Following' notification for this?!
Nothing says 'big band announces world tour' like Winston-Salem and Hershey!
People in Nevada want to know how to spell cousin so they can find out if it's OK to marry theirs.
Thanks to this show, I now know that the song "Bonnie and Clyde" didn't spring fully from the drug-hazed imagination of Serge Gainsbourg. Thanks, show!