Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to post a Center Stage GIF. ;-)
Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to post a Center Stage GIF. ;-)
All the time. I love when people are like "Where do I know you from?" and I'm like "I'm in porn." Lol
Ooor, he could be super in love with his wife and their life together and isn't afraid to be open about it, even though people are going to be bitter about it and assume that he's faking?
I actually prefer it out of control.
Why hello there, hot stuff! Mmmm those eyes.
DAMNNNNNNNN. That's some serious lovely color-blending.
Ok, "Rihanna is a professional no-fucks-giver." That is her professional image, not her personal one. Not saying I know what her personal self is like, but its entirely possible that "giver-of-no-fucks" is an act she puts on.
So cute.
My body feels so many things when I see a picture of this man.
Here's a famous video clip of her.
I will never love like that again.
Nooooooooo it's really down!
"I don't trust a girl who doesn't have any female friends."
Trust me, I'm embarassed for myself.
Here's Jon Hamm holding a snow leopard, for the greater good:
Watch out!
Rihanna wins my award for best-dressed woman. Looove this look.
About no one in particular.
I was watching Christina Hendricks on Conan and I thought, "What if she hadn't played Joan? WHO COULD PLAY JOAN?? THERE IS NO JOAN WITHOUT CHRISTINA HENDRICKS."