
Was the focus group sketch basically a transcript of an actual IAS focus group? Because that shit seemed totes real.

I find Selena Gomez really unlikeable for some reason.

I hope Evan and Jamie stay together forever and OMG I just realized they both have unisex names!!

Oh victim blaming, how original. The problem isn't young women wanting fame; but the people with power willing to exploit young people and manipulate them into thinking they don't have any other options.

... or men who take advantage of them.

Poor Keira! My favorite part was Alison with the rape whistle.

There is no help for her. She is a batshit crazy delusional narcissist.

Lindsay Lohan as Maria Hill? As if Lindsay's capable of playing a badass secret government agent type. Cobie Smulders was perfect for that role (and hardly an "unknown", either). Unless she meant that she was supposed to be the Black Widow, instead of Scarlett Johanssen? In which case, excuse me, I'll be over here,

Fuck no.
- Person Who Wears Black Everyday

I have so many questions about this image in particular.

This came across my tumblr dash lastnight.. still cracks me up. "Ready for Coachella"

wtf is happening here

What is happening.

I'm confused...this purports to be explaining what a basic bitch is and yet...? I assure you basic bitches in the hood are not so-called because of their love of lattes and scented candles... But go on, white people, do you...