
OMG. This reminds me of (and I'm serious)-talking to another server and I said "Well, that's not rocket surgery." And he looked at me and then smugly said "Um, it's rocket SCIENCE." So I'm all "Well yeah but 'rocket surgery'-its a hybrid of 'rocket scientist' and 'brain surgery' and most people use one or the other,

This is awesome, as was the Thanksgiving one. Could you consider doing a 4th of July version? You could maybe start with the Kidney Bean Salad, as seen tucked into every restaurant salad bar and in every grocery store deli case? (Not to be confused with its bastard cousin, the American 3 Bean Salad) Who EATS this

No, 'heard' always bothered the hell out of me, too. And there was always that one asshole server that thought he/she was SO COOL to use it. In fact anything they had to say was then peppered with 'heard?' , and then when you said something, it was 'heard.' Unless I am trying to yell my order to a chef onstage while

Too true. I've left this city many times but I keep coming back and it sure ain't for the weather. Its because food.

I actually feel terrible for her and the family. Cosby is clearly a classic narcissist. His abuses are covert and the obvious brain-washing and gaslighting this family has been under for years-its an evil, twisted horrific spell. I can't even imagine the horror of learning that your father or husband is actually a

I accepted the challenge......and my eyes ended up leaking though I went into thinking 'meh, whatever.' Something about seeing lurve in this world so devoid of it often....meh. Damn it.

I hope you tip as well as you type.

This, not Kim K's ass, has in fact broke the internet.

I'm going to pretend that my home state of Illinois is grateful for the LACK of in-laws that attended the family functions. As in there was a plethora of status' stating "Oh what a shame. My mother-in-law isn't feeling up to the trip this year to our house. Yay! I mean, I'm grateful she's okay and stuff".....

IDK. I just tried this stuff for the 1st time in my life (Im 47) after staring at it for years on various restaurant tables. On a whim I poured some onto a coconut curry thai dish I was having and it was in fact like a mouth orgasm. But its not the actual sauce. This stuff is like a bad wine that if you pair it with

First thing I thought of, too. Also? Too. Whatever (drinks more wine)

Well Santa has always been about his 'ho ho ho's'

Im pretty die-hard Hellmans' but I tried the Veganaise when I took a sushi-making class and I was stunned at how good it was. But the 10.00 a jar price tag stunned me a bit more.

Ok I fact-checked it (sorry C.A., truth is stranger than fiction). I've seen some weird reactions to things when people should be dead, but burns over 90% of the body isn't one. First time for everything. Yes, delayed shock syndrome by drug intoxication, of a amphetimine nature combined with alcohol would be my guess.

typically in this scenario-he'd be given an IV line for hydration as he most likely would not be conscious. While 3rd degree burns kill the nerve endings and don't create pain, the 2nd degree burns would be horrifically painful, and if he was in shock he'd not be walking far and most likely would've passed out at the

Yeah, but Alex gets a 10% discount at Target. There's that.

To be fair.....we kinda are.

Twiggy/hourglass/pear/apple/ 'break the internet'/ I wish I looked like a model/types of bodies, now "Im a model and wish like I looked like a model" type of figure .... I'd better add this to the report I'm required to give to my Elders someday.

A feminist is not a woman who shouts "Its her ass, and she should be able to show it wherever and whenever she wants to!" A feminist is a woman who says "She shouldn't have to."

Naw, its just sad because Handler used to be noted for her humor and wit. Since that seemed to fade out, now she comes back with the oh so original attention ploy of sexuality, allegedly disguised as humor but really a transparent and rather desperate attempt to stay relevant (two show-offy naughty selfies in a couple