
they were old exes, like they had broken up years ago and were buddies. They didn’t want to do things with each other but they weren’t frosty. One of them I hooked up with a few times after. The cute one ended up being a complete dickbag and started dating this wealthy older woman who sent me abusive text messages

Yup, it’s pretty much what she always wears.

The newspaper’s longtime consulting firm thought it was fine:

It’s 100% your right to say whatever you want, but please understand that using the phrases “It’s my Peach, Freezing next to yours” and “Freeze Peach” has caused me to invoke my constitutional right to consider you an asshat.

You said it's a Murdoch paper. Glad outrage forced a cleanup but what does one expect from those assholes?

Last year? JFC. That sounds like an obit from the 1950s!

Thank you. I love how the people at which slurs and slights are aimed are also not allowed to mention them, or be upset by them, and don’t seem to know how utterly unimportant they “really” are. Ugh. We’re the recipients. We know more than the hurlers of the slights do about the frequency and undertone

Good lord, that’s fucking awful. :\

My favorite part is how they frame lack of aesthetic appeal and a likeable personality as contradictory. Who woulda known that a woman who is “plain of feature and certainly overweight” could “NEVERTHELESS” be “a woman of wit and warmth”? Is it really so hard to see a woman’s personal characteristics as anything other

I like the way they implied she was witty and warm despite her hideous appearance.

There’s just so many. And I can never decide I’m too tired or stressed out to deal with someone reaching out, because I might be the only person they ever decide to speak to.

I agree. Organic is mostly marketing now. Farmers can even apply for an exemption each year to allow them to use pesticides for one year. As far as i know they can do this every year and keep the organic label. I admit i have not studied this and could be way off.

why didn’t you say the guts of the matter

Fuck fruit to hell. Send it all to hell! Ahhhh, the land of chocolate.

Yeah bottom line she’s still hot. The sciencey thing is actually annoying because of the “unexpecected” and “provocative” reaction the ad team are obviously bracing for. Like fuck you, no, it’s not surprising that a woman can be two things. Just keep casting your anonymous hotties with no pandering, condescending

I see your point. I still think it’s cool that they chose a woman from a STEM field who is older than most models.

I was struck by this too...Bugs Bunny was the first thing I thought of! What an asshole.

Or they grow up to be Trump.