Lisa Simpson


Interesting. Thanks for sharing! By the way, I completely relate to your other comment, about crying because you were so happy to finally discover what was wrong. I’ve been struggling for years and everything recently came to a head and my life was kind of collapsing but I didn’t immediately make the connection to

This is interesting... I just recently began treatment for chronic low-level depression. What is the difference in symptoms and how are they similar? Do you mind elaborating on how your treatment changed?

Probably different body chemistry. I’m like you, I tolerate adderall super well and never felt any kind of withdrawal. But Xanax (and most depressants, really) just do not agree with my system. I have no idea how some people take them for fun.

Oh boy, is it ever. I once worked with some poor kid who’d transitioned from a bad opiate addiction to Xanax addiction (apparently this is fairly common) and he was always kind of a bit off but I chalked it up to him also being a heavy dab stoner... until he started telling everyone he could hear our thoughts and we

lol yeah fuck fake butter, I buy the expensive stuff... I was more wondering out loud how Lay’s would best destroy interpret BnG.

Hmm. Typing this in from Atlanta, I know many a Southerner who would balk at your suggestion that the Biscuits n’ Gravy chip would be the most likely contender... I’d imagine one part smoke / bacon flavor, artificial butter, salt, pepper, powdered milk... I can’t see that tasting very good tho. BnG is about the

Ugh oh ew ew ew. That last dick is so GROSS. Sorry to sound 5 and completely not liberal and accepting, as I keep reading on Everyday Feminism how we’re all supposed to support natural dicks, but I just can’t. I hate un-circumcised penises. And I have NEVER met one that didn’t smell horrible, even after watching the


You need a prescription for this?! Ugh. I was hopeful that this could be a good alternative for women who have limited access to birth control options; like you could buy it in the condom aisle or something. But this is practically a modified Diva cup with some spermicide in it. Last I checked you don’t need a script

No fucking shit. Sorry to be cynical, but it’s like, okay literally 48 fucking women have come forward and only now are these consequences finally starting to happen. For shit’s sake. And people wonder why rape is so underreported. MUST NEED 50 WITNESSES FOR US TO [MAYBE] BELIEVE YOU

This was a really interesting article. Sometimes I’m struck by how little I know about the birthing process considering theoretically I could give birth to a baby. I think I’d want a midwife too. Just makes sense, since they’d understand the sensations.

Whoa... warships?! Did anyone else get chills reading about the extent governments will go to restrict women’s access to reproductive care? This is a wake up call for us here stateside.

Rather unfortunate for Jared that all the headlines are (purposefully?) implying that he’s the one who is being charged with child porn and not his uncle.

Oh my GOD did I find this out the hard way. Like any other idiot who gets a house with a jacuzzi jet tub, we thought it was so awesome. Until I went to flick on the lights and accidentally flicked on the jets (tub was empty) and nasty water from Satan’s butthole came spewing out from the

Oh my GOD did I find this out the hard way. Like any other idiot who gets a house with a jacuzzi jet tub, we thought it was so awesome. Until I went to flick on the lights and accidentally flicked on the jets (tub was empty) and nasty water from Satan’s butthole came spewing out from the

Le sigh, you are 100% correct in your statement about partners treating each other like partners, however sometimes I find the menfolk more reluctant to see the same gender-biased coin as we do. That ingrained gender-role crap is pretty hard to un-learn. that a joke? Rock climbing with heels? How did the photog/creative director not crack up when they were shooting this. They are trolling us.

As much as the radio guy’s comments are depressing/annoying, I can see how he’s getting defensive, like he’s just the messenger. While the analogy is the part I take offense at, as a businessman he’s probably right, he is going to play what makes him the most money.