Lisa Simpson

Wellll I know this was me for a long while, because in middle school the summer before 8th grade I was doing somersaults in the deep end of a pool underwater and accidentally hit my head on the bottom. It hurt a little but I was fine, and didn't think much of it until I was home showering later and a CHUNK OF HAIR

Wellll I know this was me for a long while, because in middle school the summer before 8th grade I was doing somersaults in the deep end of a pool underwater and accidentally hit my head on the bottom. It hurt a little but I was fine, and didn't think much of it until I was home showering later and a CHUNK OF HAIR

Wellll I know this was me for a long while, because in middle school the summer before 8th grade I was doing somersaults in the deep end of a pool underwater and accidentally hit my head on the bottom. It hurt a little but I was fine, and didn't think much of it until I was home showering later and a CHUNK OF HAIR

You know, I never made that connection before... I used to think I was nuts, went to a psychiatrist for anxiety and sleep problems. I was just telling a friend how bad it used to be, and it has magically been better the past two or so years... same time I got my IUD.

Jesus men are such pussies.*


I read somewhere during my own IUD research a few years ago that putting things in uteri to prevent pregnancy goes way back to when desert nomads would insert stones into their camel's uteri so they wouldn't get knocked up.

This was one of my favorite Jez articles, because selfishly I relate to it so hard. Especially this paragraph: "The main thing keeping me away from uterine greatness was, like it always is, inertia. Having been on birth control pills since I was a teenager, I had already been consistently de-pregnantizing myself for

Heck yeah Lara Stone must be an awesome chick... I love David Walliams! Little Britain is brilliant. Funny and clever over abs any day.

I say this all the time; in my book, you don't get much credit for proclaiming to love your child in the passive sense, and yet it's so often trotted out in the similar way that "I'm not racist but" is. Actions, people.

Hmm... can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... *squints eyes*

Try, they carry Frye boots on mad sale. Not eBay cheap but they're new.

omg haaaa I haven't watched that dinosaur music video in forever! Those power shoulders tho...

Ahhhh that new song Uptown Funk is my favorite right now! Go watch the music video if you haven't. Mars pretty much reaches MJ-levels of cool.