
Long story short: of course he wants to roll the dice! He thinks he’s right, he thinks he needs to prove it and he’s already been too pigheaded to just park the truck inside his garage. 99.9% of all HOA confrontations go like this. HOA are objectively being dicks but the homeowner could avoid the problem by making a

No, closer to say moderately severe injuries and you have road rash. Who decides what amount of road rash constitutes a moderately severe injury 

No, closer to say moderately severe injuries and you have road rash. Who decides what amount of road rash constitutes a moderately severe injury 

No, closer to say moderately severe injuries and you have road rash. Who decides what amount of road rash constitutes a moderately severe injury 

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

No, closer to say moderately severe injuries and you have road rash. Who decides what amount of road rash constitutes a moderately severe injury 

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

Good take, I feel he could just park it inside his garage and then no problem. From What I’ve seen HOAs are terrible however most major disputes with HOAs happen because the homeowner feels that they are in the right and can’t just make a small change to avoid the problem they feel they have to prove they are right

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

I’m willing to bet that he’s misinterpreting. they’re probably not going to foreclose on his house they wouldn’t have that power (at least not in this case) what they’re probably trying to do is have a lien against his house for the amount that he owes them in back fines

What he needs to do is find a master mechanic that specializes in body work that the courts will allow to be considered an expert witness in the field and have that person testify that no only does the truck not have “moderately severe” body damage but the truck in fact has no body damage whatsoever. Additionally they

Well I mean you said to tell the idiot to get a job so I was doing what you asked, don’t be so obtuse next time

Ok. Go get a job idiot 

rebels is pretty good, and seems pretty loved

That’s the really interesting thing though people love the look of it, the spectacle of it, the idea of it, the universe of it, but the movie itself, the story, it was pretty shit, it was basically Ferngully/dances with wolves/probably seven or eight other movies that you could come up with

Nope it was just fern gully

Only the prequel trilogy had a crafted and planned story arc. The OG trilogy was totally played by ear! Shit, No one ever thought it would be more than a single movie the subtitle of a new Hope and episode four wasnt added in till subsequent releases and George Lucas didn’t even know Luke and Leia were siblings until

Omg that would be fucking amazing!!!!!!!