
Better? Maybe? More important? Dunno. Rush really influenced just about every great band from that early 90's alt-rock explosion, from Metallica to Radiohead, & including most of the Seattle scene. Just FWIW.

Hmmm. Didn't see the show, only a couple clips. And by "they", you mean the writers? The characters themselves are kinda idiots, right? Either way (here's me defending my love of the podcast, like an idiot ;-), I think it's valuable that for a certain level of "bro" (what is that, half of males?), the fact that Rogan

Funny that he bags on running, when his mate & hero Johnny Marr is a voracious runner (though that's probably the joke).

See, you're missing the point of the jokes if you think Rogan is just known for macho standup comedy. Guy's been hosting a 3-hour podcast that's right up there in the ratings with the NPRs on iTunes for 5 years now, and it's essentially the ultimate stoner talk, with a dash of macho-ish "Get your sh*t together".

How can you say they want the Spacey character to succeed? The main gist I've gotten from this season is he's essentially failing in everything he's doing.

A little bit. NO MORE INTERNETS FOR ME ;o)

*swath. CLASSIC. ;o)

Well, who started the intelligence insults, big boy? If that doesn't make any error you make open game, then your trolling game is weak sauce.

Going off? By stating (exceedingly exhaustively, mind you) a point-by-point analysis of how you weren't exactly right. I mean, some facts you had out-&-out wrong (like the chemtrails stuff & your assertion dude's a blind conspiracy buff). It is a LITTLE bit funny you have to admit that you made fun of me for knowing

No sir, all I've done is describe your attitude. It was honestly intensely funny (& weird) when you described me as a "keyboard tough guy", when I've been pretty damn civil, with zero "internet threats" offered. All I did was ask you if I missed instances of Rogan being an "irredeemable douche", & you provided tropes

That's cute. An obscure/intentionally incorrectly spelled company name, & you're banging on me for not getting that correct. I see. (Meanwhile, "LOLwut" is in your vernacular? How old are you?)

Two days? Um, I have a life? I'm not monitoring my Discus? Ever think of that? And sir, you went aggro (two g's, G) from your very 1st response to this article.

Wrong. You're awfully presumptuous for someone's who thinks he's taking the higher ground (faux enlightenment for the lose).

You sir, seem the biggest meathead of all—-closed-minded, cantankerous, yet simplistic in his righteousness. I illustrated that Rogan has evolved, & was never the bad guy you made him out to be to begin with (his reputation seems to be the exact opposite of what you cite, & again, Maura said they were all friends, Joe

I love how you're using Google searches full of half truths to talk to a guy who admitted he listens to Rogan's podcast. He endlessly makes fun of chemtrails believers (including one of his best buddies), in fact, Rogan did a whole SyFy show about chemtrails last year just to disprove it. He has gone on record a few

What other evidence is there? Maura said everyone was friends & Rogan was mean to her one day. Maybe I'm biased as a podcast listener, but Rogan seems to be generally well liked & respected, & his little mantra to his (a lot of) listeners is essentially "don't be mean". The Myspace kerfuffle a few years back seems to

I just think the music's better, the hooks are clearer & fuller, more intriguing. Starting with about half of The Unforgettable Fire, I thought the songwriting (again, just the music) got too threadbare. Quick example, the "hook" for "Bad". Couple notes, nothing to see here, dragged out for 6 minutes. Same with Joshua

Achtung's fairly boring & overrated, IMO. Zoo Station's pretty good, One's good (if massively overplayed), Until the End of the World's pretty good, The Fly's alright, Mysterious Ways is good (overplayed again), Ultra Violet's nice, but the two masterpieces are the last two songs. Achtung's an album I *never* go back

Podcasts? Especially the ones that aren't so comedy sketch-y oriented?

Since Rush are almost cool now (ha!), I nominate the "La Villa Strangiato" solo, but the one that was on the Show of Hands live DVD. Beautiful, powerful, nice atmospherics behind it, & then a cool little syncopated part after. Bonus Canadian humour @ the beginning! ;o) IF you can't wait, solo starts around 1:15…