
@doubtful: Well it's voiced by the same guy (Nolan North). If you look at his IMDB page you can see that he has had his voice in almost every single big name game for the past little while.

@CI254: It sounded lame to me at first too but after watching the video I think it's pretty awesome.

I'm sorry but that name is just awful. Why not just make a crossover with Square-Enix and call it 358/fate-(2*unlimited)/hearts.+codes²

@bialia: Hey as long as it has the proper amount of fingers it doesn't matter....

@The Cap'n: Ahhh your Sega comment helped me figure it out. It's called "Pole's Big Adventure". It's out in Japan but maybe it sold poorly because I cant find anything other news about it.

@The Cap'n: That sounds pretty awesome to me. Isn't there another retro looking game coming to Wiiware that pokes fun at old games? I've been trying to remember what it was for a long time now but can't think of it. It looked like a side scroller.

@0xC001D00D: Blasphemy! "Outer glow" belongs on EVERYTHING. One time I outer glow'd my outer glow.

@Gray665: "especially when its so easy to get deals on MS point cards if you are american."

Even though you have to wait a while for new games to be included, the "Deal Of The Week" would probably change these graphs a bit. Not always stellar games discounted (still never discounted Castle Crashers, and maybe they never will since it still sells relatively well) but I got Bionic Commando Rearmed for cheap

Well it's no Sarah Palin but it will do.

@TaggarT6: As long as games have had cars I have tried to ride them. I remember in the intro level for Mega Man X there are cars that you can shoot the drivers out of and then ride on top of them. Immediately after I did that I went and shot an old lady while she was driving and started to ghost ride her car. Video

@marlowespade: Hmm cool I think I'll check out the third one when I finish up this remake. Ive been digging games like these lately since I never played them when I was young.

@Ferkner: Not really the same, those genres see major innovations all the time. Tower Defense games are the same as they were in that FF7 minigame, only now they have pretty art.

@Mister Jack Wants Blazblue Challengers: Me neither, so damn boring. Can we get over this fad, I think there's been enough TD games that have come out the past few months to last a lifetime.

This is going to sound like blasphemy to you oldschool types but I bought this (never played the original before) and the new Telltale game and so far the Telltale game seems funnier. Commence the "You kids get off my lawn!" comments.

@CaptainPickles: No kidding, if they want people to use the Games On Demand service then they need to make bigger hard drives and actually be realistic with the price. Even if the downloadable games were 5 dollars cheaper I wouldn't buy them because the price I would have to pay for a hard drive would cancel out any

@Cocomango: How about old/terrible game boxart?

Is that supposed to be Brute Force? What a letdown that game was.

@liquidxtension: I definitely am going to play it, and I have been thinking about getting it recently since it feels like a good time to play it. But it just felt weird to me that it came out so fast. Why did people freak out about L4D2 but not this? I guess we are just used to Activision milking things :P

Is it weird that I'm a "hardcore" gamer and play a ton of shooters but haven't played this yet? It felt so unnecessary when it first came out, I was still enjoying COD 4 (and probably still could get some more fun from it since I haven't played it in a while). Plus Treyarch burned me with COD3 so I refused to pay for