I tell my boyfriend how WEIRD this guy is every time he's on tv, but he (bf) doesn't seem to understand. I keep trying to say he looks drunk yet sober. I'll try your explanation, it's great.
I tell my boyfriend how WEIRD this guy is every time he's on tv, but he (bf) doesn't seem to understand. I keep trying to say he looks drunk yet sober. I'll try your explanation, it's great.
I'm sorry, but this simply isn't true. Most women who get pregnant later (I'm using this vague designation since you haven't do so without IVF. And while the risk of chromosomal disorders does go up, as an absolute risk it is still small. I doubt any respectable biologist would make the broad and shaky statements you…
You type like a real scientist!
Yeah, I think there's some very serious conflation going on here, and you said it so well!
In my house we joke that the morning news is "who was shot while you were asleep, the weather, who was shot while we told you the weather, and next, a puppy and whose house burned down."
Erin, I like you and I feel you here, but this:
ha, I AM pregnant and my plan is to look wide-eyed and say "Oh, you're a [whatever] AND an obstetrician? You must be so busy!" But (sadly?) no one has really concern-trolled me yet. Maybe as I get bigger.
I got " you look better than color TV!" which was hilarious and says something about how old the guy was. I also had a period where people kept telling me I look like "Roseanne's sister" (Roseanne had been off the air for like 10 years too). Once it was two late-teen boys and one said it and the other was like, shut…
That's interesting, I wonder what the reasoning there is? I got one, had it in for 4 years (4 years of no periods, it was the best), thought I might want to get pregnant, got it taken out at a regular gyno visit—totally painless, btw—and my doctor said it would take 6 months for my period to regulate. I got pregnant 6…
I was just coming to say that I've had my back unwillingly licked while I was fully clothed and in a public place, twice. It's bizarre but I guess not uncommon.
I'm pregnant in my *late* 30s and my category is "elderly pregnant." Ouch.
I don't know about in the "cocaine world" (love that phrase) but I've heard Adderall called Diet Coke.
Yeah, I'm with you. In the bay Area there's a lot of this "it's a fetish, it has no other meaning!" I mean, do what you want if it's not hurting anyone, but don't ask me to turn off my analytic ability.
If it makes you feel any better, I was embarrassed about crying during Mao's skate until I looked over at my boyfriend who was also crying, and he said "I just want them all to win! It's so beautiful!" It really was an emotional combo of skate and music.
Oh, right, blame the kale. The fact is it wasn't KALE what took those vows, it was Miranda! It takes two to sautee.
When I was a kid I went to the Frick, and decided that was where I was gonna live (my own furniture, they could leave the art). As an adult, same dream, it's just that now I know it's a dream.
Oh yeah! Like a series of yurts connected by stairs/bridges.. basically Swiss Family Robinson style living.
Welp, I guess I and a million other women are stealing Kim's look too. Except I'm often not organized enough to have my lip gloss with me when I need it, so Bruce has got that over me.
There are LOTS of Munchausen-by-proxy cases like this. That's the first thing I thought of anyway... they should check his medical records for an unusual number of illnesses.
Heh. I was with someone in the entertainment industry recently who mentioned "extras," then, even though I didn't ask for clarification, told me "those are background actors." Whoa, what a peek behind the curtain, is it OK to tell me that? I walked away.