
Oh, this was me in my 20s too! My friends were always amazed that men always asked me out again, but it was just because I made sure I was PERFECTLY likeable. It was crazy. Almost like I thought it was just about putting the time in or something, not whether we actually got along as people. Finally I had an epic

So, I watched Ben and Kate for a minute and I liked it OK, but the fact that at the end of LITERALLY every show Kate had to give a speech about how she loves her life and her choices? I couldn't deal anymore.

I'm offended that they bothered with all that Photoshop but then kept the saggy bikini bottom on the woman in the lower right corner! Baggy bikini butt is a fact of life, but let's not celebrate it for god's sake. And who wears a peasant top in a pool?

I'm offended that they bothered with all that Photoshop but then kept the saggy bikini bottom on the woman in the lower right corner! Baggy bikini butt is a fact of life, but let's not celebrate it for god's sake. Also, who wears a peasant top in a pool? I guess that shows it's a fantasy.

These are beautiful clothes (except one dress, you know who you are), and all those shoes are BOSS. Some almost look like they are shoes combined with the tights.

It DOES look like she's looking at Lady Boehner... like Michelle's all, "she spilled on her dress. What a spaz."

I used to do this stuff too, just have full-on tantrums when stressed out. I'm usually really calm but sometimes I'd lose it, though never in front of people after adolescence. Including once when I bounced something off the seat in my car (thinking it was an innocuous expression of anger) and cracked my windshield.

Right? Like we're supposed to be like "oh I know, isn't it a shame how white voices are constantly silenced on the subject of who's really black and who's a little bit black?" Boo-hoo, lady.

I'm gonna reply to everyone that comments about them: Jay-Z's suit is the most beautiful suit I have ever seen and I want its babies.

I have feelings for Jay-Z's suit that are more appropriately directed towards, say, Idris Elba's face. I mean it makes me tingle.

So if ADH is vasopressin and vasopresin is ADH, why did you use the phrase "ADHs"? This implies that there are in fact other forms of ADH, and is not a one-to-one relationship; vasopressin is AN ADH, not ADH itself.