
the notion that Mourinho “works with what he has” is ridiculous. granted, he has made large chunks of the money back selling other players, but he has spent well over half a BILLION dollars on players since he first went to Chelsea 10 years ago. that’s why he went back to Chelsea, and why he’s “reportedly” been

It’s probably a confluence of factors - players tired of his abuse, other teams adapting to Chelsea’s style, loss of the hunger for titles. It falls almost entirely on Mourinho because, until he’s getting secret commands from the owner to make bad decisions, it’s the manager’s job to train and motivate the team. If

Seems rather silly to charge this price for a game you break down when they could’ve easily made it from durable material and have it last.

Wow! It’s like spending money on a video game that you can only completely play through once! And all for the low, low price of Twice As Much As Regular Pandemic.

So when you finally beat this $50 game it goes in the trash?

Chelsea. They won the league at a canter last year.

When it comes to soccer announcing I am not sure anyone can carry Ian Darke’s microphone.

Since I became president of FIFA, we have made FIFA a big commercial company.

dude...your kind of being a dick.

The games, and therefore the meticulously crafted brand, are televised. That’s it. It’s why guys get strict penalties for throwing a football in the stands but Greg Hardy gets paid $13 million after throwing a woman on a pile of guns. Or, more succinctly, why Ray Rice was suspended for two games until somebody saw

And for making Roger Goodell read papers with big-boy words that the lawyer-men gave him, instead of the funny papers and Elmo books he usually engages with on a day-to-day basis, the Pittsburgh Steelers have been fined $750,000 and will forfeit their 3rd and 5th round draft picks in the 2016 NFL Entry Draft.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being