
It’s the reason we have the current commenting system of “the grays” - so people weren’t inundated with violent images immediately upon viewing the comments section. You’d have to click to see them (like you do now).

This is an interesting question from a branding standpoint because each of the blogs/properties has a very different tonality and audience, understandably, but you can tell that they’re still all over the place when it comes to the pieces that unite them all under one media entity. It seems they can’t decide if they

Gawker literally outed a private citizen for clicks. Their reasoning is, “if we don’t post the pictures the readers will look them up somewhere else.” It’s disgusting but we should know better than to expect better of Gawker media sites.

Yeah, that was one of the first things I saw this morning and at least half the comments were people wondering why they posted the screen shots, and a link to the video. And now the follow up post, has the screen shots again. I get its Sam Biddle, and he walks the line all the time, but c'mon, this is jumping over it,

Sigh. I’m an assault survivor and it is all kinds of triggering—-along with the terrible right to privacy issues and the lack of respect for the victims that come up from posting this.

Although because Gawker featured it and it was popular it consistently appeared on the left-hand side popular stories window on Jezebel. Sooooo I couldn’t go to Jezebel all morning without being forced to see an actual picture of a possible rape/sexual assault taking place. Thanks Gawker Media!

not a huge fan of American Oxygen but hopefully there’s something Rude Boy level in the album

I did too, but this says it’s a film producer rather than music producer/oldish dude who just can’t stop writing really detailed songs about young love.

I was gonna say—I’m sure plenty of rapists have been on the cover of the NYT Mag in the past 20 years.

Lou Pearlman, right? I can’t be the only one who instantly thought of Lou Pearlman?

Every time I hear the Blake/Gwen rumor:

its fucking gross to me how people like this can get into positions of power. But maybe part of what makes someone effective in business or politics is the ability to know what other people want and the ability to hide your own affect very well.

On one hand, women’s bodies have been scrutinized, commoditized, and violated in favor of an entitled public view for years, so I shouldn’t feel bad when it happens to a man. On the other hand, he was clearly on a private resort and just had his privacy wildly violated.

You guys, I have hit peak old person.

Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.

The ceo is owner of a big office building and petting zoo in Ann Arbor and founded a catholic High school out there. I don't PERSONALLY know him but I know him in a six-degrees of Kevin bacon sort of way. He is super catholic and the farm he has is a pretty nice petting zoo and I know he helps out a lot with farming

I went to look for a Domino’s gif and ended up looking at dominos gifs and now I’m weirdly soothed and I can’t stop, help.

I have a pixie with a side bang. My hair will never be below my shoulders as long as I draw breath. #PixieTilIDie

So many cool commenters are still grey and this asshat is approved? Smh...

Waiting for the comments calling these women stupid/selfish/just looking for fame/etc. It would be perfectly in keeping with the cunty attitude by commenters lately.