Same was the case in Wii U with the gamepad, no touching allowed. Sad really, it also seemed like it would work well.
Same was the case in Wii U with the gamepad, no touching allowed. Sad really, it also seemed like it would work well.
You skipped an Awkward Zombie because last week's was posted early so you skipped the one from the week before
I feel like having only one chance to do these kinda defeats the purpose of having different ways to do it, I’m sure a LOT of people would love to be able to play it multiple times to try out the different approaches. Seems like a bad choice to give only one shot, even if you still want it to be time locked.
Man Legend of Dragoon is so much fun! I need to get my Vita charged again so I can finish playing through it on there (you know it’s been a long time since I used the Vita if it’s out of battery)
That’s how things like Star Wars Miniatures work, though the format for how many points you have to work with changes based on the event.
My biggest concern that keeps me from getting the game (other than saving money for other things) is that with something like MtG you have the cards. Things can happen to them but with reasonable precautions you can keep those cards for the foreseeable future and always be able to use them. With a digital card game…
Sorry it wasn’t there yet for me, probably still in the pending messages, honest mistake.
100% Detective win rate and he’s the world’s second best detective?
Sorry about the link to the page for Tetris with lyrics, couldn’t figure out how to embed it
Aw come on some of his were really good! For example, some of my favorites of his:
Dude Brentalfloss and the Megas were SO awesome when they did their thing together:
Sort of? He’s slowed down a lot but he did a DK rap one a couple months ago and a “mini-lyric” of spider man that I only just saw when I looked him up
YES always my first thought for lyrics videos (though his Tetris one has not aged well, lol; I linked it in my comment but as I was listening to it I’m like “No I think I’ll link the g-rated version he made instead”)
Very VERY beginning of this piece of great music here:
Sorry I got the symbolism it’s just ridiculous to me that anyone could/would write something so bizarre
I mean I know it’s all made up but what the heck are they smoking? Sorry I just can’t even right now.
As much as I’m not a fan of Lady Gaga, I can sympathize here: BAYONETTA IS HARD
Really? is that true? I know that it’s still actively getting new episodes because my little brothers are in love with it (especially the recent super hero episode)
What the freaking heck did I just read?
...why? The article specifically talks about the show in question