
...Did you not read the part where they got the go-ahead from Blizzard?

Just because he made some poor decisions doesn’t mean his material can’t still be funny. Yes, he did make some terrible choices, but that was only one part of him. Should he be punished? Yes. But should we forget the good? No, absolutely not.

I love the D.Va update, but MAN is it infuriating when a Reinhardt gets in close range and just mops the floor with me.

Of course it was team Mystic, if there were other choices maybe it wouldn’t be but since it really is the only choice...

I mean I appreciate that they tried, but those outfits are still just too revealing. I’m going to be skipping this one sadly.

What do you mean it doesn’t stand for Torbjörn Fortress 2?

Speaking of Kickstarter games, one that I think looks extremely promising (though I didn’t know about it while the KS itself was still going on so I didn’t back it) is A Hat in Time. I hope IT goes well...

I LOVE how cheesable Lucio’s wall run is, it can do so many ridiculous things.

Articulated Heroines entry definitely made me think of Game Grumps, specifically Arin’s sitcoms from the one episode of Mario Maker.

I’ve been ON a 6-Bastion team twice. Once we won like it was nothing, the next one we got rolled like none other. It’s all about countering.

Dangit Klepek! I know not everyone knows everything about this game but it still hurt to watch you try to jump over the easily spin-jumpable Thwomps. TLDR: I’m nit-picky

Omigosh YES LAST STORY. That game was SO much fun! I didn’t always like the costumes (too revealing), but other than that I enjoyed every second of it! The best part of that one problem though was that it let you change visuals by changing gear! Other than flashbacks, problem solved!

Physics in Minecraft is just a bad idea. I’m playing through Journey to the Core right now and one of its mods has “physics” and it is a PAIN

I dunno, it’s looking pretty promising to me, exploring more of the city, getting more background, and it SEEMS like the runner vision is still optional, so that’s a plus. I’m excited to see what happens.

Honestly when they said her name I did a double take because I thought they said Jan Ors. Sadness...

Robotron 2084, not Robron

Was Terraria 3DS not already out? I was playing it on there just the other day...

For all you hip cats that really enjoy Awkward Zombie (such as myself) you should know that every comic has a bit of commentary from Katie the author on its site, as well as a forum full of sometimes funny, sometimes overdone, and sometimes just plain amazing comic edits.

If you mean *SPOILERS* Sophie, then yes, not only is that ability available on the other side that character herself is too. Also as you gain the points from streetpass, those “raider” weapons do the same thing against weapons they’re good against.

I owned it since late early access, and it was actually pretty fantastic. Disappointed that it’s unplayable and has been for a while, but I enjoyed it for the time I could play it.