@jedi4life: Is that the Lexus from minority Report?
@jedi4life: Is that the Lexus from minority Report?
Microsoft security essentials FWT!
Gizmodo is officially a trolling site.
Damn, the quality in these contests is incredible.
@RicketyCricket: Dont think that's the case. Besides the fact that I have a performance boost when I upgraded from XP to 7 in most games, you also get support for DX 10 and 11, things gamers normally wouldnt turn down.
@mattconnor001: I wish I could promote you, but in reality we'll both probably just get banned.
@spiegel1: Demolition man had super pretty cars!
As a gamer I really dont like this chart. I like controllers, Im lazy and I like to sit on my ass. I dont want to "be the controller", that's what real life is there for.
Attention could actually be a fun game if they make the tourists bizarre enough.
God, number 2 and 1 made me laugh out loud.
Lucky me, I live in Argentina! Looks like a have a plan for the weekend ;)
I want one.
Not entirely related, but it reminded me to this:
Gizmodo: Thank you, now Im hungry :(
Looks like things are going to get interesting. It's kinda sad though, it's almost as if Apple were slowly digging it's own grave, shutting down everyone while Google continues to make friends.
@Hueynewton: Wasn't there an article explaining how to filter what's clearly one of the most important launches of the year just today?
Bowser is a wedding dress is super cute, I would totally marry him.