Exhibit A regarding the necessity right here.
Exhibit A regarding the necessity right here.
I love fresh popcorn. So go to hell.
You seem very pleasant and well adjusted.
In all of my pop culture years, I never made the connection between Boba Fett and the Rocketeer - guess Johnston likes helmeted characters with rocket packs.
Well aren’t you hot shit.
Your right it is evidence, circumstansal but it is evidence and i thank you for the candor and the help
You asked for evidence, and I provided some. Not sure what more you want from me. I thought I was trying to help you out. I don’t actually have a taped confession from the guy, if that’s what you’re looking for. You’re welcome to do your own research on the topic. Peace.
Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.
Your beaming adoration is all the payment I need
I’m only one man
Give ‘em a break. AV Club copy editors are all on holiday break...for the past three years.
“that led to him not sleeping for a whole awake for a week”
we regret to inform you the duck is racist
Maybe start a cult for English Idiomatic Expression Pedants.
I don’t think anyone is confused
Because, again, the expression is not “drinking the Flavor-Aid.” Please deliver your complaints to the English Language Department of Idioms
That’s why it’s in quotes. The expression isn’t “drinking the Flavor-Aid” after all.
I once saw a retired hockey player I was a fan of in a bar. I was hesitant to bother him, but I started a conversation, and he seemed genuinely happy to talk for a minute and pose for a photo. He also had a woman with him who was probably 20 years his junior, so maybe he appreciated it for raising his image in her…
I think the entire fashion industry might disagree with you.
The whole thing smacks of the deepset insecurity of the French elitists, who really just want to deny that restaurants like this exist in their country at all.