Stupid | Clever

You can go in to the google home app and create aliases for controlling the harmony remote so its just “Hey Google - Turn up TV” or “Hey Google - Mute the TV” which work perfectly fine and no need to involve harmony

Oh, I could definitely see where CCTV would add up...the landlord of my garage has about a dozen cameras setup around the neighborhood, and he keeps a week’s worth of footage. On top of that he has motion sensors that send alerts to his phone, plus cloud connectivity so he can check footage and forward it to the

I’m wondering who actually needs that much space in the first place...there are plenty of free cloud options; I think I have something like 50 or 60 GB of cloud space I’m not even using.

Number 1 is a no go. Not unless I get a standard file format download.
Number 2 was just a straight greed play when they first started doing that.
Numbers 4 and 5 have the same as 1
Number 7 if you want a lot of cheap tech stuff that prolly will not last, sure. Spend the money. Get good assessories.
An external drive is

100 pieces?  Whelp I guess they aren’t going after actual puzzlers.  

Well, if we’re going there, can we rename our state just like Long Island Iced Tea did? I vote for COckchain.

I love NROLs logo.

This is just a distraction and waste of time and money and attempt to get money from people.

It’s Trump, so I’d expect this to be the default:

Goes right along with the seriousness of this endeavor.

Come on guys... let’s do this right.

Thanks for that, I’d be very disappointed if I got to the end of the comments and nobody corrected such grave mistake.

Cat’s Eye cat. I don’t remember the name but still a badass.

If we’re talking anthropomorphic, I’d have to go with the Radical Squadron over the ThunderCats.

No fictional cat list is complete without Lion-O, son of King Claudus and brother of Tygra.

Obvious choice is obvious.

I have to go with Data’s cat Spot...or this guy.

So. Much. THIS.