Stupid | Clever

You know what they say: Domo Arigato, Demi Lovato. Domo. Domo.


This. Anyone who figured out how to buy BTC knows how to sell BTC - transferring in/out is the same. Sheesh.


Weird. Mine too.

Agree. And, I love the term ‘Cockblock’ being applied to access restrictions.

That’s a position sure to win BI-partisan support, amiright?


I don’t disagree that the current iteration of Bitcoin has flaws, as many have pointed out. However, we’re talking about technology, on a technology blog - and there is a ton of technology being poured into Bitcoin-related solutions. The Lightning Network’s approach to off-chain transactions, for example, stand to

You seem confident that Bitcoin is not a solution to our straight up fucked economy.

Are you talking about the US Dollar, of which there is an arbitrary supply based on a government’s whim, or Bitcoin, of which there is a mathematically limited supply based on a transparent algorithm?

Cryptocurrencies are built on an exciting new technology that stands to disrupt many established industries, and specifically disintermediate Wall Street and their fellow banksters. We’ve never seen a potential store of wealth like Bitcoin specifically - but everyone’s quick to point to historical yet tangential

The real question: If you’re Russian before you feed the duck, and you’re American after.. what are you while the duck is eating?

Seriously, “Gawker”, stop with the Crypto bashing already. This is something I’d expect you to get behind fully - very exciting tech, power to the people, disintermediation of The Man. You guys are spreading FUD unevenly here - let’s see you dig into the space and provide some forward-looking content. So far, you look

Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?


..the bumbling, blarpy tuba solo of typface picks.

So funny/not funny - I had a visceral reaction to the “Ownage Pranks” name for some reason. Bet their tagline is “Enabling and extending anonymous trolls from the Internet to the Phone since 2015" or some shit.

Searched for name, hundreds of results, and FCC results are blank on most - looks like system issue as you can refresh and some comments are returned.

I got the Animal version of this vacuum a few months ago, and it’s seriously life changing.

I got the Animal version of this vacuum a few months ago, and it’s seriously life changing.