Stupid | Clever

I have some memory associated with every car I've owned, but by far, my favorite is that one night, years ago, my friend and I took my 280z down Left Hand Canyon at 2am..

wow - that's a great pic.. treasured i'm sure!!

By far, my favorite care of all time = my old 280z. Good times, good times...

Damn. I was sure he'd make it to 280.

Waitasec.. all pics titled Nailed It; pic 1: vomitting pizza; pic 2: touching a penis; pic 3: creeped out by the birth of Venus...

Fucking bloatware. Fucking Lenovo. If I want to be compromised, I'll do it on my own dime, thank you very much.

Yep. And, Barbarians. Maybe Pirates also..

This one has just the right amount of Douché. If the helmet fits, saysme...

Even better when the B-team lives in San Fran - I'm sure the Seattle office was MUCH more expensive to maintain..

No lie - I was in London the other week and the Australian I was eating breakfast with poured his glass of fucking cranberry juice on his corn flakes and began to happily chomp away.

Replace 'Obviously' with 'TL;DR' and you have a winner..

srsly amazing. I came back to this thread a day later just to revel in the insanity.. my favorite parts:

I was the same until about 10 years ago when I had kids. Gotta say, it's as-good-or-better than you remember. Drain most of the water, ad a slice of butter, half a packet of seasoning and goddam it's delicious ima go make some right now.