Stupid | Clever


Thanks for that - TL;DW - 1:30

FWIW I recently switched from the Cisco / Linksys EA6500 line of routers to the Netgear Nighthawk 7k (with a Netgear 6250 configured as an access point) and have been super happy in all regards. I had nothing but trouble with Linksys line, but Netgear has been damn near perfect - range, throughput, stability,

FWIW I recently switched from the Cisco / Linksys EA6500 line of routers to the Netgear Nighthawk 7k (with a Netgear

Does the next line read "if you left handed, pretend friend with you"?

Is it possible that every living human had one of these Nokias at some point?

Excel 2013 Reality Filter applied:

Excel 2013 reality filter applied:

Sometimes an apostrophe is all it takes:


I'm crying into my hash oil now. Damn you and your young hate.

"shit shit shit I thought they said Tie-Dye, not Tie. shit shit shit"

More hate like this, plz. Thank you.

This is exactly why I work from hom. For Goggle. Like my aunt (who just bought a BMW). Making 5,327 a week.

I know it doesn't help, but I know exactly how you feel. Now come hug it out, Brazil.

I did Fernando, but good idea to highlight Ceton's networking capability.

Poll no workie for me in IE or Chrome.

I have experience with the Happauge, Ceton InfiniTV and HDHomerun Prime. Best tuner for me, hands down, is the HDHomerun - if you want to share tuners across multiple laptops/PCs/tablets, this is a great tuner.