Anyone else notice that these internet sale let downs (fatkini, Missoni/Target) always happen when Beyonce is Pregnance? It's a curse.
Anyone else notice that these internet sale let downs (fatkini, Missoni/Target) always happen when Beyonce is Pregnance? It's a curse.
Xanax can be pretty weak. Also, do they just call xanax whatever medication they want it to be now a days? "Sleeping medication" "anti-depressant" "anti-anxiety" Go ahead guys, xanax is whatever the hell you want it to be!
No way. I love how her family is reaching her progressive values. I mean, kids are being brainwashed on the other side and being taught hate. I'm all about a little girl spreading a message of equality.
The Wire, dude. The Wire.
Am I the only one who never heard about this league
That guy : "Drivin Jay Z and Beyonce, like a boss."
Maybe they are. But if it wasn't for marketing or the materialistic culture in this country I don't think that princess would be every little girls first choice.
This is exactly like an episode of 30 Rock where Liz Lemon is waiting to see of a the co-op board will accept her bid on an apartment.
The purpose of this article was to show an mother who offered her daughter an alternative to the princess role that has been shoved down every little girls throat for decades. There's no bashing or shaming for admiration of princesses.
I don't think little girls would want to look like princesses if it wasn't being sold to them without their knowledge. Girls only want to look like princesses because thats what they see when they go to the toy store, watch TV, get in their happy meal, etc...