Enlightened Despot

Because he doesn’t actually give a flying fuck about any of it, it’s just a means to an end for power and “respectability”.

If a stylist actually selected that abomination they should be blacklisted from the business.

She looks terrible. What is she even doing there?

In LOVE with Zazie’s look!

Seriously. People are such dicks.

PK may be the shadiest house-husband since Tarq Salahi.

Would it still be a “delightful troll” if the Silicon Valley guy had interrupted Stanfield winning for Atlanta?

I’m 5'4 and have never encountered someone 3 or 4 times my size! Where is this land of giants you speak of?

We all should have listened to Michael Moore. He predicted everything back in July.

I love your Days reference, and it’s so true!

Same. It’s sad because I actually really liked Broke With Expensive Taste. She had a ton of potential.

When I was in college Stephen Colbert came to our campus and performed. Colbert Report had been been a thing for maybe a year. When he started talking about politics, and his views were liberal, idiots around me were upset and confused bc I guess they didn’t realize his character and show were satire. They stayed til

So you really think that Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman with intent to kill him with his bare hands? That he said “you’re going to die tonight” as Zimmerman claimed?

It’s a matter of debate. My thought is that he was originally saying bigly, someone told him it didn’t make sense and he switched to big league.

And Bill Clinton will be living in the Whitehouse once again.

I can’t stand her, and I think she gets way too much credit for being “ brilliant”. She is no different than Ann Coulter in my eyes, just slightly more palatable.

i wonder if they knew they were going to be on television. Because if so that outfit choice is...interesting.

Yes, they’re a bunch of spineless cowards. The RNC should have held a contested convention. Yes, it would have been a shitstorm within the ranks, but I’m not sure they would have ended up looking any worse than they do now. But really I’m glad they didn’t because this is exactly what they deserve.

I’ve been wondering many of the same things. Trump is arrogant enough to think none of it would matter, especially after getting so much of a positive response from the republican base right off the bat. The RNC and other republican politicians should have known though; they ought to be ashamed of themselves for

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