So why did they think this was a makeover when it was just more of the same? And Farrah who? Not Farrah Fawcet.
So why did they think this was a makeover when it was just more of the same? And Farrah who? Not Farrah Fawcet.
The Jodi Arias case was very similar.
Who said she was in a relationship with Chris Darden—they were understanding of each other's situation.
I don't understand because all it was was shorter and I distinctly remember her getting a smooth bob when they complained about her harsh appearance.
I know about CA as my son lives there. We are often in the minority in public places when we are there. I am talking about the racial make-up among movie-goers across the country and of course, although there is a large minority presence in present day TV, few movies are being made. Most actors, regardless of…
What's the prediction for the baby thing—- and besides the mother maybe guilt for walking out , what is her attraction to Wes?
Looks like recent news may help in not getting parole
Big news that's for sure.
But Blacks constitute only 13% of the population, so why should they be over represented? Blacks seem to think that they are always being discriminated against when just maybe their efforts just didn't excel this time or maybe it is fixed such as in Lady Gaga getting an award in AHS.
She's desperate and not thinking clearly, I guess.
The last paragraph is interesting. I agree about Sebastian. I am rooting for him to find something, even though it would appear what he is doing is illegal.
I'm no expert but it was pills and I thought oxycontin at the very least. I don't think all of them were her mother's. I am confused.
She is so typical of bosses, especially women. She protects the organization and herself and views everyone else as pawns.
I find these series shows to have so many main characters that it is hard to keep track of them too.
I was sure something was going to happen when he left the girls alone. Also, I don't think we will ever find out what happened at the party as we didn't really find out about the murder in last season.
I thought it upset Blacks but I must have just heard a complainer.
It was online and I don't know why I got it and I wish I could retrieve it. It was so long but I was glued to it and horrified. I will see if I can get it. It indicated they were punished if they said something wrong to a client even though they knew little English.
The New York Times lengthy article seemed to indicate that they were kept in basements, not allowed any private lives, and worked seven days with only seven hours for sleeping. It was online a couple of months ago trying to sell me a subscription. It was slavery the way they described it. I think they did say the…
Didn't he anger Blacks for complaining about their language, low pants, unwed pants, etc.
I think the bloody sock was inside.