
Proved it must be fixed or bought.

Only by you and OJ

Who didn't with all those spousal abuse records. However, his first wife still claims he never touched her but I am sure it was in her best interests to do so.

I dismiss these reviewers who didn't live through it—they can't catch up.

Women are always judged by their looks more than men.

I have never understood why Mark F didn't come clean with the racist evidence against him and also why he gained fame even to this day.

These jurors were not smart enough to see beyond these experts and didn't want to.

They kept saying it was planted and contaminated. Hence, the thought that the cops were stupid, but smart enough to frame OJ in a matter of minutes, not working together.

I have never forgiven him either.

She was in charge but once again, I think that the defense has a wonderful jury consultant which wasn't thought of as important as today.

At the time they even tried to downplay Ron Goldman's worth—saying he had declared bankruptcy and was just a waiter. In actuality, he was an incredibly handsome actor and he wanted to open his own restaurant someday. He and his sister were raised without their biological mother and were extremely close with their

I wish he hadn't been so good too, but everyone deserves a defense and OJ could buy the best.

Most important part of any trial is what we learned at the time and now.

Johnnie knew.

I thought it was a woman who gained fame as the jury consultant?

It's a weekend from CA and it wouldn't have made any difference.

Very confusing

Last time it didn't seem resolved to me when it ended.

Good call.

She caught one with her seminar out of the office.