I don't mind Hammond all that much and really wish he were doing Trump this year instead of Baldwin. But yes, you can't compare his Clinton to Hartman's.
I don't mind Hammond all that much and really wish he were doing Trump this year instead of Baldwin. But yes, you can't compare his Clinton to Hartman's.
"He’s not a technician like Darrell Hammond or Jay Pharoah" does anyone else think Pharoah is incredibly overrated?
The Dead Authors Podcast
Judge John Hodgman
Getting On with James Urbaniak
Maybe it's more of a recent thing (we're still watching, just skipping a lot of it) - the election coverage has been pretty woeful unless they do a big piece.
I think Noah is fine, it just seems like the writing is just not there anymore. But I still watch for Michelle Wolf when she's on because she's great.
Yeah, it's not really worth the time.
lol, I'm about as empathetic as it gets, but thousands of people paid to see you perform, and you can't do anything anyway. I guess I'm poor enough that "picking up and flying to Paris on no notice" is something I never considered.
Still don't know why he had to stop the concert. What was he going to do from NY?
Wasn't someone supposed to be recapping the finales, btw (like it says above)? Can't find it here.
The immediate disbelief followed by thoughts of "Please don't be an overdose" is what I remember. Ugh. It's still like a gut punch all these years later.
Just curious, do the Gaffigans have any kids? I never hear them mention children.
That's a fair point - at our house, we watch Colbert, Bee, Oliver, Noah (most of the time), Maher, and Seth Meyers. It's tiring hearing the same story by 6 different people, but we have yet to rule any out. (Except Wilmore months ago)
I agree about Taran and do not see the appeal of Cobie AT ALL.
Wait, what about Tattooed Sexy Lady Solves Crimes?
I mean, yeah, but he was part of the best years of Dexter.
Seriously don't understand why Wipeout isn't still on the air, celebs or no.
I don't blame the guy for going after work, it's just he's the next big thing now and I just don't see it at all. He's fine, I just don't get the massive attraction :)
The one with Strahan? I don't get why he's suddenly everywhere.
I had the same experience with Randy Scouse Git. When Goin' Down was on Breaking Bad, I thought I was going to explode from joy.
I was set to go to that tour here in Detroit, but it was a rain out (and the show was outdoors) so my Dad said we couldn't go. I was 9 and I never did see them "all" live.