
I actually bought the 2012 British Cast's DVD - and seriously considered paying $250 per ticket for the US tour, until I saw the cast. I would have paid a lot of money to see Tim Minchin as Judas live.

I watched that again recently and had forgot that it was Chelsea Peretti that bails and runs to the helicopter. That episode was rough.

Do you really get a "yes" every time you have sex? (not trolling, honest question)


Time for me to turn in, so pardon me while I take about 9 Melatonin so I can maybe get some sleep.

Didn't we see Beverly?

"Are you trying to spell July?"

I mean, she's been gone for 2 or 3 years and never called, OR she was gone for 3 months and didn't bother to call him for 2 or 3 years since she came back. Either way, it is rough and he knows it. I'm glad he stood up for himself to her for just this one time.

Subway/Pamela is my favorite, but I also loved Bully and the Late Show episodes.

In theory, you can subsist entirely on Snickers and McNuggets (and some
vitamin supplements) and not gain an ounce, so long as you’re burning
more calories than you ingest. In theory based on this film or just based on general knowledge? Because "calories in, calories out" has been on the way out for a while. http://ww

I don't know. The Simpsons just had its lowest rated show ever, and Family Guy is doing similarly terribly. Why are they dumping Mulaney on Sunday night? Argh.

Sam Bee would kill it on this type of show.

That episode was one of the worst episodes of TV I have had the pleasure of listening to while doing homework. About halfway through my husband figured out they were making this into a spin off, but god, it was so bad! Of course, here it is.

It's been pretty solid but needed less Dallas.. but I just couldn't imagine where the show would go after high school. It seems like it would need a massive re-tooling.

This. I am so friggin happy they are giving it another year.

…like a record!

They were in Dallas on Sunday, for the record (really, a great time).

I always admired what he did, but when it comes down to it, I'm watching LNSM and Colbert/TDS.

It's "Boom! Shake the Room" or GTFO for me.
