
I have met him and he is surprisingly … small.

I would still like to know the answer to this. :)

I enjoyed Mather in the part, but I am borderline obsessed with Tudyk.. so this is good.

Dear Hollywood - Evangeline Lilly is not a good actress. She was awful in Lost and awful in The Hobbit. She is pretty, sure, but there are other pretty people that can actually carry a role. thanks!

Honestly, Pam has always, always annoyed me, but not enough to stop watching. (Sort of like Tom on Parks and Rec) I am aware that this is not a common opinion :)

…or his NIN-esque parody "Germs" for that matter.

I think everything pretty much shuts down for the Olympics, but yeah, they said the 27th.

I feel like they never really knew what to do with her except stick her with a new boyfriend every season or two. And then she had her date Tom, which was unforgivable.

"..I still don't understand the problem. I shook his hand - twice!"

I don't think it was well-known at the time. I just found out a few months ago. It really changed how I felt about her, honestly.

…and I still want to see her in this red hair, all these years later. I hate the blonde.

I really like it but will admit it has a few problems. Is AV Club not reviewing each episode this season? The last episode review is last year's finale.

(Sorry, I'm still learning about notifications on the new site) - Correct. Time Warner can see what you're doing with the show.. if you watch it, if you record it, etc - but there is no boost to the Nielsen ratings because of it.

I loathed this movie. We saw it in the theater and I remember how much I hated it. It was mostly silly more than anything else.

We have an 80 GB classic that has lasted for years and years, but it's starting to go. The Nanos are still working great, though.

It's funny to learn that he wasn't trying to be smarmy. I thought the smarminess was perfect for this. "Do you know who I am? I'm Barry Lutz!"

$240 worth of pudding
Old Fashioned Guy

Me too - I was hoping it would get picked up but not betting my life on it. Too bad.

I have seen all episodes of Bullshit! and seen them live (and they were delightful after the show), but I would buy a lot more into the “fuck-the-establishment” routine if Penn didn't turn up on every god damned "celebrity" reality show.