Were you going to go with "traditional Thai clothing, in Thailand, is different than traditional Native American clothing in America..." and then realized?
Were you going to go with "traditional Thai clothing, in Thailand, is different than traditional Native American clothing in America..." and then realized?
She doesn't need harassment. She needs to learn and grow from this tragedy.
Woah. You are way over the line on that one. Cops don't "expect" to get shot while sitting in their car eating lunch>
I think that any movement requires a good deal of self-reflection.
I do not think "the problem is white women" is necessarily the most constructive way to preface that self-reflection. Just my opinion.
He looks oddly familiar.
... I don't think that was even just "widely accepted," I'm pretty sure that was explicit cannon.
I wanted to get an IUD, but the local PP doctor legitimately told me she wouldn't do it because I wasn't married. Not because I haven't had a kid, because I wasn't married.
Ok, don't get me wrong, PETA is insane, but you realise people sign over the animals FOR euthanasia, right? At lot of them are old and/or dying, and those that aren't, it's kind of more down to the owner being a shit and ditching something that was there responsibility (and also choosing to take it to be put down).
That's horrifying. I get that furries are the internet's scapegoat, but they're so fucking harmless. The worst things I've ever seen written about them is that sometimes people get sexually inappropriate at their cons in ways that annoy others...which is the case at every con, and every mainstream convention, and…
aaaaaaaaand you beat me to it.
Remember when everyone was so happy when Johnny Depp became relevant again in 2003 with Pirates of the Caribbean? Yeah that time has passed -he's been insufferable the past few years.
Exactly. Plus I just had a total eureka moment realising who Johnny Depp has been reminding me of for the last couple of years.
Yep I'm always a bit confused when people refer to cleaning/nanny jobs as exploitation of the people doing them. As long as theyre paying them well and giving them all the benefits they're entitled too I'm sure the person working the job doesn't feel 'expolited' and more grateful to have an employer who treats them…
Susan Faludi did a nice dissection of this film and its problems in Backlash. I do not consider Working Girl "feminist" in the same league of 9 to 5 at ALL.
Oh shut the fuck up. You say things offensive on the reg on this very website. Tell me when you donate $100,000.
Exactly. And, at its most sinister, implies in a roundabout way that the hurt feelings of thin bodies are more important than the hurt feelings of heavy bodies, because it hijacks the discussion away.
I think for the vast majority of heavy women, myself included, that kind of thinking is a first step. Most, but not all, push passed it rather quickly, some get stuck on it, and the truly enlightened somehow manage to bypass it entirely. I understand how hard it might be to hear as a thin woman who has never judged…
The difference is, when fat women have strangers make comments about us, we don't get to turn around and see ourselves portrayed positively EVERYWHERE to take the sting out of it.
Studies show that "skinny" women will outearn their "normal" and "obese" counterparts by tens of thousands of dollars.
The fact that strangers make denigrating comments about our size is as unacceptable as a stranger's unsolicited comments on bodies of any other size.