

How about if the only time people talk to one another about food is upon request? If you want to write a blog about make, fabulous. I won't read it so what the fuck do I care? If, however, I see you in person, don't talk about food unless I ask. If you want to ask me about my eating and you can see we have different

"I LOVE eating healthy and being better at taking care of my body than most everyone else and no one understands! WAHHHH. Sometimes I get judged for not being a disgusting fatty and that makes me defensive! Listen - I not only look better but am generally having a better life than you. OK?"

That's how this came across

Not to mention, IBS can make you drop bombs. Splattery, mucusy, smelling bombs.

Source: My ass.

You know, I'd never give a shit again about people endlessly talking and posting about their diets if they would just do one thing. For fucks sake, please stop saying "yummy". Do you want to instagram a pic of your dinner of a blurp of runny peanut butter on three shriveled goji berries? Go ahead, knock yourself out.

I was with you until "roasted beets are one of the best things that ever happened in all of history".

I never will understand why it's freaking celebrated when skinny people pig out on junk food but when fat people do it people say they should just put the fork down and that losing weight's not that hard.

This is going to be very personal and pretty painful for me to confess, but I think I should.

I see what you're saying, and I was about to chime in with something similar, but on second thought — where does that line of thinking end? I cut my hair into a bob because society said that was trendy right now. I replaced all my lipglosses with matte lipstick because it looked good on everyone else. I shave my legs

No. I'm not going to change my reading list to address your special needs, because I have another student who was in the Iraq war, and has different triggers, and another student who has an eating disorder and has different triggers. I have over 100 students. I cannot be guardian for all of their mental health

And as a teacher it's my job to figure out what's going to trigger you so I can warn you about it before I've ever met you? I don't need to hear that you were raped for years if you're not comfortable sharing it, I need to hear, "X thing gives me anxiety attacks, is there any way we can deal with that?"

The real problem as I see it is that it's much easier for students to demand trigger warnings from professors than it is for them to demand that college administrations do more to address the issues of sexism, sexual assault, racism, and gender discrimination on campuses. As a college instructor, I too chafe at the

I am guessing that the dress code checks were because it is getting warmer out and students start wearing smaller clothing, short shorts, strappy tees and other stuff that usually breaks dress code? The school most likely wanted to send a message about what kids think is OK to wear to school.

I have been teaching

did he start buying his diet pills from jessie and singing I'm so excited in his bedroom also?

Is it National Obtuse Day at Jezebel? Yes, I'd have to pay for a uniform, which comes out to be a Hell of a lot less than having to buy multiple outfits. With a uniform, I could have worn the same outfit two days in a row w / no one noticing; I couldn't do it in my normal school clothes (and got mocked for it

I know, and that's part of the problem with public schools. Having a school uniform reduces classism.....the poor students don't have to worry about having enough money to wear the "trendy" clothes the richer schoolkids can afford. Sure, the students will find other ways to express themselves but at least no one

As someone who grew up poorish and sometimes had to to wear my dad's shirts (I was 90 lbs and 5'5'', he was 200 and 6'0'', you can imagine how great I looked int them), bc they couldn't afford new school clothes, I would have LOVED to have worn uniforms.

Say what you want about school uniforms, but having uniforms does eliminate a lot of this type of unnecessary drama. Having a uniform makes what you wear to school a no-brainer...and that energy can be focused in other ways.

They rioted because they had a flimsy excuse to riot. Nothing more. Nothing less. As a teacher for eight years now, I can honestly say high school students are the most devious people on the face of the Earth. Sad but true.

Federal out-of-pocket maximums for marketplace plans are capped at $6350 for individuals and $12,700 for families (for in-network care). Insurance picks up 100% of the cost after that.