
So, she shouldn’t have the right to cosplay as Mercy because her boobs are too big and thus too visible for your tastes? Do you even see what you are writing? There is a really simple rule of thumb for commenting on cosplay; comment on the costume, props, makeup, how well the cosplayer has learned the mannerisms and

You guys don’t cover overwatch enough.

Do you have a g-sync monitor? I had the same problem, and disabling g-sync fixed it. Skyrim physics are heavily tied to the frame rate for some stupid reason.

Will add it to the others.

Edit: See you fixed it further down. My bad.

It’s the men around you that objectify you if they so choose

You can say it makes you uncomfortable if it makes you uncomfortable. You can say she’s beautiful. You cannot say you only appreciate it because she’s attractive or that you want to have a little time alone with her and not be crossing a line. You CAN think all that as long as you keep it to your own damn self.

I had a similar issue, good hardware, but crappy FPS. I fixed it by setting iVsyncpresentinterval to 0 in SkyrimPref.ini file, then going to NVIDIA control panel, setting up a profile for this game and changing monitor type to fixed refresh, set preferred refresh rate to application controlled and turn v-sync on.

I had a similar problem, only it would automatically set to low quality. It turns out that the game was using integrated graphics instead of my GPU. I fixed this by going to my Nvidia control panel, going to “Manage 3d settings” then going to “program settings” and choosing my graphics card instead of my integrated

Nice post but you completely missed the entire point. Posting sexy cosplay for clicks is not materially different than Budweiser using bikini models to make you pay attention to the beer.

Some white knights have already started to become triggered to your post but I get what you’re trying to say. The “too much sexy” topic has snowballed from an intelligent discussion on changing the direction of geek culture into a click bait drama queen soap box that is beginning to lose all credit with regular people

I’ll get you out of the greys. You need to be publicly shamed.

You want fast and brand new, you buy the bits and slap them together yourself: it’s not too hard, and Lifehacker has tutorials, even.

Change the name and profession and you have my father’s story. It’s heartbreaking.

As a person who has questioned his relationship with alcohol, especially as I’ve grown older, this scares the shit out of me.

This is so heartbreaking in so many ways. It reminds me what an absolute blessing the gift of sobriety is.

Having just spent last week at the hospital detoxing my dad, this is a depressing read. I’d like to think he might actually stop drinking this time, but it is so unlikely.

Good point.