@BilboTeabagins: actually he makes a good point.
@BilboTeabagins: actually he makes a good point.
@minibeardeath: depends on whose internet he is using Apples Internet or Microsofts.
@rathat: there is also the radiation concern.
OMG She's Captain Hind Sight
@MargaretMoony: are you talking about the just the movies? Because in the books there are plenty of moments where he makes her happy.
@MargaretMoony: like I said to Juju she is with someone who makes her happy.
@Juju Wilkes: dissagree completly with your idea of Hermione and Ron.
If she is going to do more she needs to avoid writing around the current story.
That's easy cancel Deadpool Corps its the one being done by Rob Liefeld.
meh I prefer the one with the cat in it
@Graviton1066: The beginning movie was the best part of it.
@ClaudioIphigenia: uggghhh I would rather have them not update that.
@SupaChupacabra: NOOOO!!! This is the internet! We must analyze long before it comes out.
@Thrumm: because Wolverine apeals to kids espeically angsty teenage types.
@Comments 'rnt Us (usually): I would pay money to see it if they reshot Wolverine Origins with an actual wolverine in place of Jackman
@KEPinion: can it be worse then the first?
wait did they change bonds for this? Is that Daniel Craig???
@chrismoke: Oh wow that is just dark and messed up
@medusawentbyebye: oh wow is your icon the dr and rose?