
That's the thing. I do feel unsafe at times walking around campus at night. I have been stalked before, where nothing really happened- the person stalking me had moved away, and the stalking went away. But it was frightening; it seemed like everywhere I turned, he was there. I didn't know what he wanted, or what he

Yes, it is. I am in school for Library and Information Studies at the University at Buffalo. Most of their classes are available online. I love the option because most of the classes are really conducted by the students - where the prof assigns the readings and students have to disseminate the information. So many

why? People aren't assaulted sitting in the classroom

I'm a graduate student and this issue is one of the reasons why I have chosen to do all of my classes online.

I once ate soft, barely cooked liver on a stick because my stupid brain decided that this: レバー was "river" and not "liver" because I forgot that 'L' and 'R' sounds can be interchangeable in Japanese. And because I read the damn kanji wrong, too (I think it was "cow" as opposed to "fish") so I ended up reading it as

It does look good, but I love bento boxes. They have all the food groups and are just super delicious.

To be fair, I don't think anyone can compete with Japanese bentos - they are seriously the best.

Haha. Sounds like fun... but after Pepsi Shiso, I'm staying hella away from that.

No, is it some kind of wine?

Oh yes, there is only one Bomb Girl for me, and I wish that show wasn't canceled so soon. As for Cosima - I love her to bits, like those dreads, those glasses, that brain... No wonder Dr. Delphine Cormier wants to make crazy science with her.

Pepsi Japan thought it would be awesome to make a Pepsi Shiso, which was like drinking pine cone and carbonation. I was so glad that only lasted the summer, because after tasting it I was terrified of that clear green liquid for a bit.

I watched But I'm a Cheerleader just this past year, and I gotta say that Clea Duvall, during the club scene did funny things to my insides.

Whelp, I am totally okay with Betty McRea and Cosima helping me out with my sexuality. Still not there yet, but having these characters help.

I think you win the internet today. All the cookies with star sprinkles on them for you

Hey, Steve - I can call you Steve, right? I am working a minimum wage job just to get by (actually less than because I am a server) and it is hard fucking work. I am a college grad and working through a master's program with students who already have professional work experience.

If they chose to do the pink in a badass way, I would have totally bought the jersey. Instead, they made it all pink, and put freaking sparkle crap on it. Nope, not gonna happen.

Yeah, I loved those displays when I lived in Tokyo, too. That way I knew exactly what I was ordering (My Japanese reading skills were extremely limited when it came to kanji). But man it was so hard to choose sometimes.

Stuff like this just boggles my mind. The largest college in my area, the University at Buffalo is extremely sensitive to any hints of sexual predators because for years a serial rapist would use the tangled bike paths that run through the campus and around it to attack his victims. Most of his victims were attacked

I am beginning to think that you go to places looking for something wrong and an excuse to bully people. Have a nice day.

Then go take your 15.00 to those other places. Also, did you ask for water (You're not entitled to a service just because you walk into the door and find it uncomfortable)? Free soda and half price food =/= having to work through extreme heat because of a faulty AC.