
Neither needed nor appreciated, as far as the cougar is concerned. It’s a cougar: they’re sure-footed, adept at climbing trees, and they don’t have warm and fuzzy ideas about trusting humans trying to “assist” them.

It’s literally the example that Merriam-Webster gives on their website if you click on the link I posted, dude. Merriam-Webster, the 188 year old dictionary company.

hyperbole  noun

I feel bad for that woman 😅. Of all the things to get your 15 minutes of fame for...

Any chance this could apply as much or more to men? Asking for a certain asshole with a 12 can a day Diet Coke habit, and a button in his office to summon staff to bring it to him whenever he wants...

I don’t think that they’re doing it to acclimate people to their gaslighting on the bigger stuff... it seems like he and the administration have been gaslighting about the big stuff since the beginning. I think it’s mostly an idiotic administration (somehow, for their own sick ends) willing to scramble to accommodate

He’s no more than 6' 1", and as little as 6'. Here he is next to PM Justin Trudeau, who is 6' 2" and as a confident, pretty man who isn’t a raging, malignant narcissist, has no reason to exaggerate his height. Also note that Trudeau is standing with his feet further apart than others, so that probably makes him appear

Do they get rotated out in any way? Any sort of break from those types of cases? It has to take a psychological toll, no matter how professional those who work those cases try to be. Any person with proper empathy for other human beings (as it should be) would be disturbed by that kind of evidence.

*In best Trump voice impersonation* “No, I’m anti-tempura! It doesn’t hold enough grease. And they mostly cover vegatabels with it.

Maybe try befriending a couple of them? Treats help. They might then consider your place part of their territory and hang around and do some pest control for you.

It’s just so vain and not worth it, giving up smiling just to avoid wrinkles.

“Waaaah! It’s not fair that I can’t trust bitches because of all of the hypothetical evil shit they’ve done in my mind! Here are a couple of anecdotal, supposedly real life examples, to validate my intense misogynistic paranoia and victim complex!

Those free range cats aren’t pulling their weight, by the sounds of it! Do any visit your yard, specifically? If they’re frequently in your yard, they should be keeping the squirrels in check. Cats usually have an instinctive drive to hunt, regardless of them being provided all the food they could need. They’re greedy

Seriously: it’s not like you shouldn’t be washing your hands afterwards, either way!

I haven’t quite gotten my 67 year old mother to try any, yet, but ever since I got my prescription in order to deal with my chronic pain/fatigue condition (it helps with my anxiety, too. CBD is awesome, in this regard, but so is a good Indica), she’s been doing a lot to educate herself, even going to a local

I suppose it gets some extra awfulness points for the route being so damn long, too.

This one’s a bit more of a stretch than other examples (still not a good idea, so I agree with Kim Crayton), but they should be pulled at minimum for being so goddamn hideous.

Now, now... why make them compete? The TTC has many horrors worthy of sharing the spotlight!

No thanks, I’m good.