
See your white friend scratching in winter like they’ve got fleas or opioids, wondering why they’re scratching so much? They need moisture (I mean, they need to drink water, too, but moisturizer helps). White people get ashy, too, but don’t know that they’re ashy because it doesn’t show up so much on white skin.

I didn’t say it would be easy; it’s an uphill battle to change things. What other choice is there, though? Just leave this bigoted, fascism-loving society as it is? Early intervention during kids’ formative years is a vital part of changing the way we think and behave in society. We’re not going to get far if we only

I’ve done this for some time, for myself, only I like to pile stuff up on the bed. If items need cleaning, you can do that as you pick them up and before placing in the pile (or after, if you don’t mind washing the bedspread once you’re done. If the room’s a mess, it probably needs a wash, anyway). Once piled

This is where teaching about empathy and diversity from kindergarten onward would also be useful. I won’t claim that there’s a way to 100% turn everyone away from bigotry humans are going to human, and there’ll always be some who remain stubbornly ignorant, selfish, paranoid, fearful, hateful, etc but giving people

A big part of the solution is what you say, and the way to achieve it is through building up the public education system, which has long been suffering a death by a thousand cuts. There are a lot of barely educated dumbasses who were duped by a superficially charming, malignantly narcissistic, walking id of a demagogue

Well, I guess we know what needs to happen, now (aside from these two idiots being expelled and also being found guilty on charges): erect an even bigger statue.

Of course she was.

Heeeeey.... we tan! Even in the winter, the sun reflects off of the snow. 😏

The fuck? Last I checked, the Toronto Star was a pretty left-leaning, progressive paper. Why the fuck are they employing this woman?

So basically what happens when someone has some significant degree of antisocial personality traits, but still enough self-awareness and awareness of what society expects of them to convincingly create a charming cover so that almost everyone is surprised when they’re caught. Bonus points if the cover life makes their

I’m not surprised. Ghouls who live behind burning dumpsters don’t have much in the way of fashion sense... or self-awareness, really

Were they her only two children, as well??

Her poor family. To lose a son by suicide, and then their daughter is murdered... and only three years later, too... horrible.

Yeah, except orange. You know the Trumps won’t tolerate that much blue.

You’ll never find a photo like this featuring the Trumps... at least, not Donald; he’s incapable of genuine human connection.

Sounds familiar. My brother is a 38 year old, 6' 6" sasquatch/viking creature who I joke is the result of multiplying, rather than simply combining, the Dutch and Danish genes of my parents (both amongst the tallest groups in the world). We could never keep cheese in our house for long, growing up, and he forever

Congrats! And... I see what you did, there. 😏

*Traditionally-oppressed minorities on the side of the politics of ignorance, fear, paranoia, hatred for who you inherently are, and rampant hypocrisy with a front of actual virtue signalling (I see you, “Christians”)*: “See? They treat me okay for being a gay white man! Look how woke! LOOK HOW WOKE!”

...while cishet,

Nope, not bad. Might I add: if there’s a way to bar him from associating with other white supremacists in prison, that’d be swell. This guy should be cut off from bonding with others through their shared hatred. He should feel utterly alone, forced to contemplate how he has thrown his life away, for the next half

They hate that she isn’t working in housekeeping at some hotel or as a server at a restaurant, someone whom they can easily sexually harass or worse, in the course of them doing business in the lane she supposedly doesn’t belong in.