Makes Me Wonder Why I Even Bring The Thunder

He only believes in “Trump Uber Alles”

Trump doesn’t even know what he believes.  That’s how his entire life has operated.  He has no strong convictions about anything, he just wants to be The Guy and he’ll take any position that he calculates will make him popular enough to be seen as The Guy among the largest number of people.

I mean, it's obviously first and foremost an example of being pro-life.

It’s Long Island.  From what I’ve heard ... it’s definitely about the “gays”

Tim Scott would like a word....

Oh, it wasn’t just that. Not only was she vaping, yelling and carrying on and using her phone with flash, she and her date went on a heavy petting session.

I mean, it shares a name with a pharma company. Coincidence?

I remember doing exercises like this when I was in school, a looong time ago. Reading the assignment, I think the trick is to remember that it’s a fully stocked and secure shelter. The goal is to survive the three months before you can leave the shelter safely - it says nothing about rebuilding society or making your

And yet some parents have been losing their shit over “Heather Has Two Mommies” for 30 years.

I LOVED this assignment as a kid; we did this in 4th grade in Tennessee back in the 90s.

I always picked the youngest women to repopulate and anyone with a gun because of raiders/mutants- the fact that I even was thinking of “repopulation” horrified my teachers, and no one in my class had seen Mad Max or played the

I did this in Grade 8, back in 1978. The characters weren’t as, um, contentious, but one was a black man with a college degree. Race doesn’t seem to play into this version.

The thing is that’s how GOP candidates have been for quite a long time, which is why it was so common for them to go from some extremist comment in the primary campaign to walking it back in the general election campaign. But Trump and those who follow his lead on attracting supporters have shown that they can fully

Reminder that our military industrial complex serves at the pleasure of the President. Any President. The military is not your friend. Rooting for them is like rooting for HR. All it takes is one crackpot appointment and medical privacy is thrown out the window.

If it wasn’t for Plan B, it’s totally possible I would’ve ended up having a kid with my college girlfriend, which would have been incredibly bad for everyone, especially the kid.

I thought assignments like this were common. I did one in 4th grade that was in regards to learning about the Titanic, and there were similar “types” of people. We’d decide who got on the life raft and then have to explain each choice. It’s sort of ethics lite

“Hunter Biden’s Satanic connections occasionally cause me to breathe out pro-choice steam.”

Isn’t the whole point of these exercises that it goes to civil court so the SC has no reason to weigh in on it? The end goal being that anyone who goes for one becomes a liability for anyone involved to the point that people will be scared to help in any capacity?

Toeing the party line behind the curtain while saying the exact opposite and hoping no one checks? Repeatedly and in every aspect of his professional life?

This. With the added bonus of not getting their way “proves” that government doesn’t work and must be destroyed. It’s amazing that they have so many paths to victory (christo-facsist state, render government inoperable, not enact legislation, etc.) while the Dems only have 1 (actually fucking govern the country as