Still and all, this shouldn’t be surprising from the GQP, as McConnell’s cold corpse can probably get re-elected in Kentucky, while being called out as old may very well be the straw that breaks Biden’s re-election campaign.
Still and all, this shouldn’t be surprising from the GQP, as McConnell’s cold corpse can probably get re-elected in Kentucky, while being called out as old may very well be the straw that breaks Biden’s re-election campaign.
McConnell has had several extended health-related Senate absences and issues in recent years, one of which was concurrent with Feinstein’s. I don’t know how you could have missed Jez’s extensive coverage...
...and she was asking for it.
The appointee shall be selected from a list of three (3) names submitted by the state executive committee of the same political party as the Senator who held the vacant seat to be filled, shall have been continuously registered as a member of that political party since December 31 of the preceding year, and shall be…
While I imagine it was either accidental or inherited (and based on a “second-tier” slur [1]) that headline hearkens back to the neglected art of dog-whistling.
This was yet another opportunity for Jez to acknowledge and address that it didn’t so much as mention any of McConnell’s prolonged medical absences while denying that there was any misogyny involved in Feinstien’s treatment, squandered.
Come on now, where could Jez have found the correct spelling of her name? ...the tweet they embedded immediately afterwards?!?
I’d rather see a bar on 22nd Amendment grounds, as I’d find it amusing to see his campaign’s response.
‘Never mind that “conception” is a nebulous, vaguely religious concept used only by Republicans.’ Can someone catch me up on this one? While it’s not readily apparent externally and has a rather large window, I was under the impression that the term [1] had medically recognized definition.
While every forced pregnancy is horrific, how much better would a rape exception really make this legislation, especially considering, as the post notes, that many of them are simply not functional?
...and yet, I’d be comfortable putting up a couple bucks that it doesn’t crack the top 3 worst decisions Abigail Shry has made in the past year
In fairness, you have to love that his supporters call themselves the “Vivek-sectionists”
Even after the Republican Regression of the Judiciary, simple disenfranchisement by gender probably won’t fly. Perhaps they’ll just expand felony murder to include menstruation, and offer an immediate plea deal for (no) time served before the election to anyone who turns themselves in.
Well, one possibility the administration could float is canceling the travel policy once it’s no longer needed; perhaps by moving every duty station where full health care isn’t readily available.
While I think “her whole life” and “certainly all through the debate prep and warm-up” are correct answers, between coaching, the televised format and the like, I imagine we could all skip the first half hour of the telecast, and think the o/u line would be something like 38 minutes after the first question is asked
Massachusetts and South Carolina - I’m not the only one who both didn’t know and wondered, right?