
Thank you!

Any episode that has this many lines from Tim definitely deserves an "A" if not "A+".

Jeezus dude, you missed a lot. A lot!

Was that Skynyrd's "Simple Man" playing in the background when Ava was talking with Boyd in the bar? It sure sounded like it was.

I think what you meant to say was "Sutter bullshit".

I think that Soundgarden's "Jesus Christ Pose" would have been a much better choice for the ending musical montage.

I think he's making shit up with that answer.

Again, why should we even begin to care about Beth?

But why should we care? You haven't addressed that in your response.

In my ever so humble opinion the scene made absolutely ZERO sense.

Thanks bro! Oh wait, this isn't a Sons of Anarchy review thread. My bad.

The prisoner exchange in the hospital hallway made absolutely ZERO sense. Why would Rick agree to that? Why wouldn't anyone try to talk him out of such a ridiculous scenario. Did our heroes not learn ANYTHING from their time in in Terminus?

To me that was just another example of the writers not knowing what the phuque to do.

I, for one, am glad that Beth is dead. If for no other reason than the fact that the writers now won't have to spend anymore time trying to figure out how to have Maggie or Glenn never mention her.

Good use of symbolism with the chess board being on the table when the Sons had their meeting.

I'm usually a pretty harsh critic of SOA and the claptrap they try to pass off but I thought that scene was pretty funny.

No, they actually did use books. Remember how Bobby caught Sutter's show wife, can't remember her name right now, keeping two sets of books for their first porn operation.

Actually I think it was a pretty solid episode.

Thank you bro! I was so glad to see someone else have the same thoughts about the Anarchy Afterword host.

"Ava Crowder's house" = Awesome!