
Yet he continues to trust her and believe everything she says.

Too long and too ridiculous an episode for me to continue to invest anymore time in this series.

So that's it? AV Club has simply stopped reviewing Ray Donovan?

With 1900+ comments already made I'm not sure whether this one has already been made but I think the writers and director blew it by having Jon Snow kill Styr, the Magnar of Thenn.

"Rose Leslie is approximately 1,000 times more interesting than Kit Harington."

"Meanwhile on the other side of the world".

Maybe Tyrion is getting his just "desserts"?

How long before "Arya" rockets up the list of most popular girls names in 2014?

Speaking of the rabbit trap, ol' Rick was sure able to get his hand out of that slipknot pretty quickly in order to chase after Carl.

OK, last gripe about last night's episode.

What?! You think the writers on the show might be lazy? For shame! I can't even imagine how anyone could even think that.

You seem to have forgotten that everyone is infected with the virus.

I think Ash is confused.

That's quite the job Mary has - 24/7 grill chef at the Roadkill Cafe. I guess we have to wait until season 5 to find out whether Maggie, Glen et al indulged in the finer delicacies of Terminus before being herded into the box car.

Good catch!

At Terminus the job of "candle lighter" must be a full-time job. I wonder if it comes with benefits?

It was a box car, my friend. Not a tractor trailer.

Ah yes, the flashbacks. What a wonderful life they were leading at the prison. The great efforts they were taking to make sure the front gate of the prison was secure so that walkers nor any other undesirables could just roll on it.

Good catch!

Kendal's confession - I'm well aware that Art is in a coma but surely the Marshal service has some forensic people on staff that can look into bullet pattern and discover that Kendal's story just doesn't add up.