
“You come at the king, you best not miss.” If you think that Mueller is taking this long because he’s got nothing, you’re going to be in for one hell of a shock. He’s taking his time and being methodical because he knows that anything less than meticulous and thoroughly-proved charges are going to be dismissed as

Is there anyone who believes that if Mueller had anything on the President, he wouldn’t have moved forward by now. The rest of what we read is just stirring the political cesspool.

You obviously have no understanding about how FOSTA/SESTA and the shutting down of backpage actually put more sex workers at risk and increased human sex traffic rather than decreasing any meaningful metric we use for progress. The fact that you just accept this kind of basic justification for a complex issue

Sorry, I don’t follow Greenwald’s tweets daily, and that one is from yesterday; before yesterday, he seemed very much on board with Tulsi. Apologies for not stalking his Twitter account more routinely. 

It would really help the argument that this kind of criticism is just about examining Harris’ record if there was more nuanced reporting of her policies (numerous comments in the Jezebel article about her truancy policy pointed out the black-white reporting and how it left out the actual impact) and we saw this level

Primary season is the right time for tough, but fair, criticism of a candidates record. I just hope that once the Democratic primary is over everyone rallies (and more importantly votes) for whatever candidate is selected. 

There was really no way of coming out of this without some level of criticism.  At some point, you just have to pick a course of action, go with it, and hope that things turn out for the best.  I think she made the smart move; only time will tell how effective it was.

Of course her apology isn’t good enough for ya’ll. It was good enough for the Chief of the Cherokee Nation, but not enough for the fake feminists at Jezebel.

Oh I... oops, I kind of liked that it was a subtle apology, like that would have come across as more sincere in this situation (as in, sans PR), but as I have no dogs in this fight, I guess I should cede the issue to those who do. Takeaway: very much prepared to vote for her.

Maybe it’s Hot Take day at Jezebel.

Counterpoint: Jake’s ability to play creepy roles just heightens his attractiveness because he plays against his type and creates delicious ambiguity. miss the Jake Gyllenhaal you had when you were 12?

What the fuck was the point of this?

I’m glad it’s not just me. For a few minutes, I was worried I'd had a stroke.

Nah, his best movies have been Nightcrawler, End of Watch, Source Code, and Brokeback Mountain.

I saw this exhibit when it was at the V&A in London, and I suggest you see it too before commenting on it, Hazel. It was actually very informative, and articulated how she used her many modes of self-expression to honor her culture from her mother’s side of her family. She loved to collect indigenous jewelry, for

Exactly what I was thinking when I read that sentence. There’s a GIANT moustache outside the Dali museum in Florida. It was a part of his persona, just as Frida’s brows were a part of hers. They were proud of their looks, and it is reflected in the many portraits of them. 

Salvador Dali.

I can’t think of an exhibit for a male artist where I was confronted with the clothes he wore, or the products he shaved with, or a gallery ethos that inexplicably connected his self-representation with modern “brand building.”

You’re supposed to care about this because Kahlo consciously dressed in a way that was meant to make a statement. It was part of (and she intended it to be) her expression. I’m not sure whether this exhibit is addressing that?