
‘I’m a very famous person, unfortunately.’

I absolutely fucking hate him. I don’t know what else to say at this point.

I grew up, as a comedy fan, incredibly indignant that anyone ever found Chevy Chase funny. And that wasn’t really my bag, either—I’m big-tent on “funny,” but it just made no sense to me and I had endless fights with comedy bros that he was simply not funny, ever. He is country-club, “I’m funny just by showing up”

You really sound like you’re trying to let Chase’s blatant racism and assholery slide because he was “damn funny.

Nah. He’s wrong. 

Casually said the n-word, made racist jokes, told Donald Glover that people thought he was funnier because he’s black, dismissed Eddie Murphy’s Stevie Wonder impersonation on SNL as “not that hard” because they’re both black, etc. etc.

Pete Davidson is correct here.

Chevy Chase is a fucking douchebag, and a genuinely bad, racist person. 

He pretty much raised the kids on his own while she dealt with her health issues. He is still the primary parent. Just like the SAHM who enables a businessman to put in the hours and effort to become a partner at Goldman Sachs, she couldn’t have had the career and lifestyle she has now if he hadn’t been there to

This is especially egregious because she cannot sing well.

Pete Gosar, Wyoming Democratic Party chairman is one of the brothers!

I’ve hated Taylor Swift since her song “you belong with me” came out and I realized the song was all slut shaming.

Taylor Swift with her privilege and her motherfucking squads and all her carefully concocted blech.

Miles Teller looks so pedestrian and is always paired with a gorgeous woman. I can not suspend reality enough to believe he is attractive. I. Hate. His. Face.

I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with Katy Perry.

Zooey Deschanel.

Millie Bobbie Brown... i know she is a just a teen but she reminds me of all the girls i knew when i was that age who thought they were so much better than everyone else and above doing “kid stuff” and having fun.

Most of my irrational hates are based solely on the actors suffering from extreme doucheface. I don’t know enough about their personalities to know if they deserve the douchefaces they were born with. I learned a new German word today - backpfeifengesicht - which means “face that deserves to be punched”, and these

This is rational, he’s committed like four hate crimes. 

Patty Lupone is a bitch, as in; her being famous is VERY important to her. And, I find no greater glee than when a younger person says “Who’s that?” Because I know that her fame not permeating every demo irks her.

Jessica Biel - so fucking normal.  Weirdly I also despise JT so it’s not some jealousy thing.