
20% people! Even if the food sucks (not the server’s fault) and even if you didn’t like the service you received (it’s a shit job and I don’t expect to be waited on by a circus monkey). I also tip more on breakfast and lunch if the bill is cheap because an extra $5 can make a difference (spoken from past experience).

Kevin Hart is not....great. I don’t know why his movies make so much.

“Where’s my hubsies?”

Team giant meteor.

I figure that the average demographic that still actually watches local news, as opposed to getting their information online, also watches Fox anyway.

If I was that Alex Pareene guy, i’d be offering up a years pay to have that response taken down.

I like the curly fries.

When I was in HS the only way you could have more than a 4.0 was if you had A’s in Advanced Placement classes. So I am not sure what the problem with a 4.1 is.

Whomever approved the art direction for those images should be fired. If your WHOLE article is about showcasing the fashion of the red carpet, it’s probably best not to take “artistic license” with the photos in which the image becomes less about the subject and more about how stupid the decision to crop and cut and

Victor Jeffreys II is the only person at Gawker Media (RIP) who followed me. I can never speak ill of him; however, those triptychs are annoying.

I get these pics are supposed to be fun and arty or whatever...but man, if I’m looking at outfits, I want to see the outfit.

Taco Bell’s history is exactly what you’d expect. Glenn Bell, ran a hot dog cart and ripped off the recipes of the mexican restaurant, The Milta Cafe, across the street from his cart in San Bernardino. The cafe he ripped off is still there and apparently really good.

I’d give up indoor plumbing for him.

This kid has made me root for Walmart... Fuck him in his ear.


Jesus Christ, he was AWFUL. He’d give the banhammer to someone who would point out improper grammar in his vapid, cunty, redundant op-eds.

Of all the talented writers to cross through Gawker it’s distressing that Brian Moylan is still a working journalist and so many of his betters are not.

And the madame/goat farmer who tried to frame Capt Cragen for murder on SVU.

Crazy doesn’t get tired. Crazy is DETERMINED.

Hm, she’s had her face tweaked recently.