
A promise from McConnell? Go fuck yourself Schumer you waste of fucking oxygen. When are Democrats going to wake the fuck up? This thinking that they are engaging with rational actors that have the best interests of the country in mind is anachronistic and delusional.

Luvvie Ajayi had a great take on this story—there’s a pay discrepancy in play here, and Sykes and Mo’Nique deserve a lot more that what they were offered. I’m not sure they should have Amy Schumer money simply based on box office power—a little different than a resumé—at this point in time. But they deserve A LOT more

Really, ICE? Poles? A little on-the-nose, don’t you think?

I actually don’t hate the name “Chicago” for a baby on its own. It’s not my favorite but it’s by no means the worst I’ve ever heard.

Has jackshit to do with my comment, but, sure, enjoy using your words, buddy!

As a queer guy, I don’t know what I vibe with less: Rich’s seemingly annual long-form deep dive into the gay sex party scene (“you liberal straight people think you’re not homophobes? Psshaw. Let me tell you all about the transcendence I experienced while watching a bunch of anon dick-in-butt stuff over the weekend.

There was some overlap in commenters yesterday who posted their tributes to O’Riordan, and then went on to participate in a thread about how your M&M preference is indicative of your mental health. This was pretty frustrating to read, since I have firsthand knowledge of the fact that when a healthy young person dies

Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

The last four songs on No Need to Argue represent some of the best 15 minutes of music you will ever hear. What a great album.

I think it would be odd if her political views were well known, but a cursory google search didn’t bring up much (other than the Catholicism). If she was pro-life, she didn’t seem to have been particularly strident about it. I don’t see anything about her views on immigration online. So I will continue to fawn,

She was amazing live.

Why exactly do we need to not forget that?She was neither a politician nor an activist who is leaving behind a legacy of harming many others through her backwards views. Do you go to funerals and walk around reminding people of the deceased’s faults?A woman whose music obviously touched the lives of millions of

I just need to say that No Need To Argue and Daffodil’s Lament on repeat for about 2 years straight got me through two horrible breakups in my 20's. She is everything and I am devastated to hear the news. Thank you, Dolores.

Now playing

Everybody has two bands that are the best of all time: one for technical reasons, for its public awesomeness; another for personal, sentimental reasons. To me, the first was Queen. But the second, the one that touched me personally the most, whose songs are sort of a soundtrack to my life, it is The Cranberries.

I was an intern in Washington DC for a summer, which is when she released a solo album that the local Barnes and Noble near my apartment would play often. I’d hang out there in the evenings sometimes to relax after a long day and catch up on some reading. Her voice still brings me back to those days.

I was thirteen when Zombie came out and I wanted to cut and bleach my hair like her in the video but my mom and boyfriend talked me out of it. I’m tempted to go do it today. I loved her.

My greatest Cranberries-related memory is when I was a college student in Baltimore, and because no one had a car my friends and I took a bus down to the Inner Harbor to get drunk or whatever. So we’re literally the only white people on this absolutely packed bus, which, no big deal, but then somebody ripped off this

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,”

He’s a 96-year-old aristocrat. What the hell is her excuse?