
Well I think the line is the sharing. You can create him or any other questionable character on your system. It's the sharing, uploading and playing online that I'm ok with the devs preventing. Your free to do as you please on the privacy of your system, just keep it off the network. Both side get what they are

Store or mail handling is no excuse. Have you seen the way Skylanders or Infinity are packed in that plastic. Unless the whole thing is smashed flat those things aren't moving. I'd expect the same outta Nintendo.

That seems high. If something like the Master Chief collection can clock in at 60GB or so for 4 games then they should be able to get this into that range. It shouldn't be that different than any other recent FF game .

This is me. I loved it at the time when I played it back in 97. At this point though my life is very different being an adult and all - I'd probably play like 12 hours and never get anywhere. My like of these games has faded through the years because I just dont have the time to sink in anymore. And I've learned

This is really weird logic to me. Why not remake the 'best' game in your library for newer generations?

Shockingly - they have sucked longer than the Redskins have so they just aren't on the radar anymore. Everyone I know in the area also much prefers college over the NBA

Well the "political and social issues" was intended to broaden the scope beyond just this one. It wasn't directed at this crisis.

That seems like a fair stance. The ice bucket thing is one of those I mentioned earlier where it is as much about their own promotion as it is about supporting ALS research. That stuff was totally a look at me thing for the celebs. That it helped ALS is a lucky byproduct.

An interesting perspective I can understand adding a exploitation element. And being an entertainer is partly a popularity content. In some ways it reminds of when the Dixie Chicks bashed Bush publicly. Music aside it totally pissed of the fan base who largely supported him and ended up totally alienating them, so

Maybe I am jaded, but most of the time (and there are exceptions) I usually feel like it is still about the star when they put out statements on issues - not that they really care. It so often takes on a look at me tone.

I understand - I just disagree (and don't mistake me for and Iggy Azalea fan by any stretch) that stars like her have any obligation or expectation to speak out on issues. She's an entertainer and I just think any obligation ends at putting on a good show. If she (any star) wants to do more good on them, but I've

I guess I just don't expect the same out of artists and entertainers. In fact I can only think of a few that really get involved. Most seem to be just about themselves and publicity.

I think the same can be said of a lot of stars though. They promote themselves to a fan base for profit but do little about the issues of said fan base. I guess I just don't even expect them to. Their job is entertainment, not social advocate, political or civil rights leader. I mean if they want to go there fine

I don't really like either of these people but I am puzzled by many people's expectations that entertainment stars are somehow required to comment on stuff like this. I really don't care if any of the people I follow weigh in on politics or social issues. It just isn't something I expect out of them.

Not really - because otherwise people would abuse a nice move by Ubi by getting the pass to get one of those games at a lower price than they are being sold for. Plus since some of the DLC is now free the pass isn't quite the same value. My guess is they will adjust the price or what you get before reintroducing.

"Honestly, from what I'm reading of ACU, it was so broken and bogged down with content that served as in-game advertisement for mobile apps that, well, you didn't really get a complete game for $60 to begin with; so, give EVERYBODY Far Cry 4 for free and still charge for the DLC!"

This!! I got the game and played it a few hours before I say any reviews. My experience has been great. I really like the game. Of all the lists of woes the internet touted, I only fell through the map a couple times and saw none of the rest. I guess a few slow downs here and there but not many. I was shocked by

It is a little annoying but most games I've gotten recently on Xbox one (Forza Horizon 2, Unity and Dragon Age) have started the patch/install but also let me start playing the game in 5-10 minutes. I know Forza I bought digitally and it took forever to finish installing however I played for about 3 hours with no

And yet Elise seems animated just fine. What did they fire the person that figured out how to do that?

This is what I have never understood - why am I playing to Alpha/Beta test a game? I don't understand why anyone would want to do that at what seems like full game prices.