Okay, so there’s one thing that can stop a Land Cruiser...
so... VW was foiled by WV? there’s a certain acronymical symmetry to that.
Norwegians are built to fell trees with their bare hands. They are over 6ft. by the age of 15. Not a fair comparison.
Works great if you don’t need to move your head around. Turns out pilots have a lot of looking around to do. =D
Seeing the video caption that says the F35 program is the first program to use NIC (Neck Injury Criteria) in evaluation, I did some research.
It’s not a ‘perception.’ Japanese cars *are* more reliable. Period. It’s not even a contest.
Honestly I don’t see anything to recommend this over an XC90 T8 plug-in hybrid. The Volvo looks better and more premium inside and out and is just over half the price. And I’d bet my family’s safety on a Volvo before Tesla, personally.
I’m jealous! My Range Rover also has Gulp’n’Drank, but it doesn’t have your Land Cruiser’s other excellent benefit: LongLastingNess.