

That is the price the expansion should be, no more. Cosmetic packages should be a completely separate thing not tied to the expansion.


And here I was just listening to songs I liked and being surprised by what wrapped showed me, then just sharing it with my friends raw like a naïve child.

Please, for the love of God. Stop. Playing. Overwatch. OW fans are the most masochistic self-hating whiniest, whinging little dorks. Why do you play just to hate yourself and the game? STOP GIVING THEM MONEY. 

Because the game is derivative, repetitive, ugly, and boring?

This also means the maximum you can discount a single transaction online is $34. That’s one $15 coupon, one $10 coupon, one $5 coupon, and one $1 coupon. Lol. Lmao even.

I think the film comparison is pretty apt. There are plenty of “small” movies that people might consider indie that are backed by major studios/production companies. There can be things like the production of the movie itself having a low budget while spending a fortune on promotion, award campaigns, et al. There

It’s like these streamers are unprofessional shits.

They’re healthier than normal cookies because you can’t afford as many of them.

Is there like, some trick where people are being forced to buy these without knowing the price or something?  The world is full of products I don’t think are a good value and I just do not buy them.

The entire subculture of streaming is hot garbage.

Plan B: Fire him anyway because you know the business will file for bankruptcy before the lawsuit would finish.

Has anyone from WB actually called this a direct sequel? I know that it takes place in the larger Arkhamverse but it’s pretty clearly not a direct sequel given that it’s a completely different genre with completely different playable characters in a completely different setting. It is, at best, a spin-off.

“Sega will not be allowed to get away with this unlawful behavior.

I find it best to just treat games as standalone experiences unless they’re specifically sequels. I didn’t compare Gotham Knights to the Arkham games and I see no reason to compare Suicide Squad to them either. Are there tenuous connections to Arkham lore? Maybe but the game is clearly trying to do something entirely

It’s starting to feel like live service game monetization is becoming something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Trying to build a game around a live service design ends up taking so much more time and development resources that they literally need the live service tail to even turn a profit. But they could’ve released

So now we can’t even close the damn autoplaying video that stays on the screen covering up the words that are so carefully typed out?

Octopath Traveller 2.

So then you just didn’t read the article at all, huh?

“...a $500 “general admission” ticket, featured no views of the track itself; instead, you’d hang out with a bunch of other F1 fans in a convention center and watch the race on TV.”