
Literally any service vehicle (busses, garbage trucks, police, ambulance, taxi) make more sense to electrify than the current focus on luxury SUVs, which do little to nothing for the climate in the bigger picture

No, if mercedes were making the G wagon as it should be it would be a spartanic, utilitarian vehicle of 40k tops, not the 100k pimpwagon it is now

Doesn't that only happen if you either only do short distances (for which a diesel is pointless) or drive like a granny?

There is no sustainable future with the current world population. Heck, there probably isn’t with half the world’s current population.

So you want a competition with 2-3 competitors that are willing to finance the huge R&D associated with such design freedom, of which 1 is utterly dominant each season?

I expected nothing less moronic from the country that supports both Boris Johnson AND Nigel Farage

I'm sure they'll fix it with some more bucktooth 'flying V' crossovers. Who the hell ever thought that was a good looking design 

We can’t do that to the Greenlanders (?), they would wake up one day without healthcare or a decent education system. Would be way to cruel

If this thing is than so are all beetles driving around, yet nobody takes issue with those. If you want to go that route you should boycot all things coming from Germany. Or you could get over yourself and accept that a car has jack shit to do with the Holocaust. I'm sure there are Iraqis or Vietnamese who lost people

The Niva is what you get if you're serious about offroading. Nobody is offroading their 60k wrangler posermobile or 100k G class

Antrhax still lives? Aren't they on their 200th singer by now?

Love all the backseat automotive engineers in the comments

How DBA is not out of business yet is beyond me. This mini is in no way worth their asking price, no matter how much 'exclusive hand made materials' are used, it just isn't. In addition, that speedback you mention is pretty, but comes in at 500K, you can literally buy two modern astons for that price and no, the car

4 door coupes have existed since the '50s. The V class is a sedan for 5 obese americans, it's not called a sedan on other regional websites

Do what exactly? Drive down an impossible drop, beach their truck and get winched out? I'm sorry but i'm failing to see how this is an attraction

A place with cars that have decent platforms? I'd be more worried about a bmw with a toyota platform (talking about driving dynamics before 'muh reliability')

This, toyota is all about trying to make you think it’s cool and sporty without actually wanting to put in any real effort.

I don't care about more high performance ones, i want the SZ and SZ R, those i can actually afford

Why would you want to see renault fail? They are the only factory team aside from Mercedes and Ferrari

Agreed, drive it now, there’s no point in ‘saving it for later’ because when ‘later’ comes you might be to sick/old to enjoy it.