
Yeah, to me this isn't a true hot hatch anymore, those are supposed to be affordable

At 55k it stops being a ‘hot hatch’ and it becomes something else.

How is an empty lane next to a congested one not exactly like real life? In fact, it means the AI is smarter than most drivers in my area because they manage to congest a complete three lane highway over a heavily used one lane off ramp

But in initial d they already bust a nut over the 86, at least the speedstars do. You're right for the antagonist crews though

Of course not, it's an American article, not a european one

Of course not, it's an American article, not a european one

If your commute is only 5 miles just use a f*cking bicycle to go there unless it's bad weather. That will help the environment a lot more than getting some fancy electric car to drive your ass over that puny distance every day

So wait, you call this thing dumb, archaic and inefficient for having RWD. However just a few weeks ago people were lamenting how BMW is switching from RWD to FWD on the new 1 series, crying that this ruins the USP of the car?

I imagine it's still going to help with fuel consumption if nothing else

Why not just allow anyone to charge and pay with a banking card like in gas stations?

I like how much crying is going on about this car in the comments. Maybe we should be happy that BMW still wants to make something like the M3? And not just one, but an M2 and M5 as well, not to mention the other performance versions of basically everything else in their lineup. What other company outside of audi and

That’s because Germans, just like the French and Spanish, insist on dubbing all movies including the title. This is a practice that is reserved to kiddy movies and cartoons in countries like the Netherlands or Belgium. It’s also a direct contributor to the fact German, French and Spanish people generally suck ass at

It is in belgium, 2l or 3l is a difference of 400 euro a year or close to 1k a year

Free copy, how suitable for a game with the same predatory microtransactions as a free to play mobile game

Free copy, how suitable for a game with the same predatory microtransactions as a free to play mobile game

No the whole point of the 1 series was to compete with the A class, A3 and golf, which it can’t do with rwd taking up space from the trunk. I loved it for being rwd sure, but this change is the only logical choice for them.

Peugeot concept cars are the most useless type of concept cars. They can make all the crazy concepts they want but in the end we all know they'll just keep making boring, plastic boxes

Easy, a truck is a truck if it makes the fragile egos driving it feel like manly men.

Ffs they all have it wrong. Use electric powertrains for your boring daily commute and keep combustion engines for your sportscars. That way you don't need to make a 'tesla killer' that does 0-60 in less than 4 seconds and you can offer an electric car that's actually affordable

Yes, but that's because it's British. Top gear was always hideously chauvinistic when it came to UK cars. (Except maybe Leyland)

I am neutral on Alonso but dislike mclaren for wrecking the career of the only decent F1 driver from my country of the last decade or more. All these failures just prove they suck as a team and racing corporation. Maybe they should stick to road cars

BuT ThE 2jZ cAn MaKe 1000hP wItH sToCk InTeRnAlS