
Why does he have them delivered at all if all he’s doing with those cars/shells is letting them rot in a forest?

I think the problem is more that F1 is indeed truly boring. If during the race we need to see five replays of when verstappen took a curb a little too wide one time you know that there’s something wrong.

Toyota making sure they can sell the most underwhelming driving experience to match those racerboy looks. Also makes sure they can put a track record on those sales folders

Wait, so one of the military branches has so much money it can throw it around at frivolities like racecar sponsorship and nobody questions this?

Stoffel deserves every opportunity since mclaren tanked his career

They already have a large enough share of the market to be viable. They could easily make new sportscar models. Heck, bmw or mercedes are not that much bigger and neither is renault. All of these make multiple sporty cars. The fact japanese carmakers don't make sporty cars has nothing to do with being too small and

Wait, so these guys are banking on the idea that there are people in this world that say ‘no, i don’t want a fully custom RR AND a hypercar. Instead I’ll spend more money on this thing’? Yeah, they’ll be out of business soon enough

Yes they are, they aren't more economical than a good autobox and they drain performance, they also aren't as fun as a good automatic. The only vehicle that can have a cvt is a scooter

I only sucks for japanese car enthusiasts. All german brands are still pumping out performance versions of almost anything they make. Heck, pretty much all european manufacturers make hot versions of at least part of their range

Because taxi companies are individual entities instead of one platform

Did you already make an article on how much the 'restoration' has cost so far or are you planning to? I'm just wondering since you always refer to 'm 500 dollar this' or '400 dollar that', but if you buy it for 500 and then need to spend a few grand in parts and your own time in it, it's not a 500 dollar car anymore

Meh, mclaren will let him run laps in a shitbox for a few years and then toss him aside for some new promising talent because that will fix their fundamental issues

Every european since the yearly tax for a 2.3 is about 600 euros and that of a 5.0 is 2000+ 

Yeah yeah, blablabla, all bullshit until it actually stands in the showroom.

But isn't the infotainment a pain and the surround/ rear camera horribly outdated? Plus for Europe at least the performance is depressing, we don't get the 2.5t, just the NA and even that can't keep up with a base 318i

I wonder when the ‘silicon valley’ bubble is going to burst. None of these companies: uber, lyft, facebook, google, etc hold any actual value, the first two are built on ‘promises and potential’ and the last two are built on advertising space and data selling (god knows why companies actually still invest in that,

CVT only = pass. Until Subaru fits real transmissions in their car and figures out their shit in europe (like selling an impreza with more than 116hp) they won't sell anything to me

I think you're wildly underestimating the overhead of a multinational. That said,  i'm sure they also make good money on merch and such, so profits are likely indeed huge

Bonus points for sitting inside a lot, having limited social contact and taking in plenty of caffeine. 

Wow, who knew playing videogames on a fanatical level would lead to the same mental issues as any other addiction? Oh that’s right, plenty of healthcare experts over the last decade.